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Renewed Hope
Methylone & Piracetam
Citation:   Bdzar. "Renewed Hope: An Experience with Methylone & Piracetam (exp107660)". Apr 30, 2020.

T+ 0:00
800 mg oral Piracetam
  T+ 1:00 250 mg oral Methylone
Here goes my story about what I believe is the experience that forever healed me, and allowed me to start living a more meaningful and happy life.

I would like to start by saying that for the last 4 years since I took 25I (sold as LSD to an unexperienced user), I have experienced a lot,. After taking this 25I (without ever researching about it) in a fairly hungover and depressive mindset, I experienced what I now know is called Ego Death. Since then my life has been a rollercoaster (I was left extremely confused), and this experience was so difficult, that I thought the only chance of “going back to how I used to be” was to take it again. This only made it worst, and I started suffering from anxiety for a period of about 2 months. At this time I was abusing alcohol, to the point of getting blacked out every weekend, just to 'disconnect' from my feelings for a little while.

I also use to be a fairly regular smoker (of cannabis) but after this trips I started getting panic attacks almost every time I smoked. So I decided to quit all drugs until I got back to my old self. This lasted about 1 month, and then slowly I started to abuse alcohol again, this got so bad that I ended putting my own life in danger while drunk as fuck. This time my friends intervened and basically told me to get my shit together.

So again I got completely sober and decided to start taking good life choices. This was a month before New Year’s Eve 2016. All was going good, but it was hard as fuck to stay sober, since where I live partying basically means getting blacked out with alcohol.

So a friend had told me that he tried Molly (MDMA) and that it was awesome, this had me intrigued so I started digging out info on the web. After learning that this substance can really help with PTSD and psychological related problems I decided to join him in taking MDMA in for the New Year’s Eve.

I got a test kit and started trying to get our hands on to some real MDMA, after 2 failed attempts we realized that where we live it is extremely hard to get MDMA, so we settled for Methylone, buying 0.25 grams each. We also took some Piracetam (~3000mg the day before and then 800mg right before ingesting the substance), as we researched it enhances the roll and helps with the comedown.

So the night came and I was really nervous about this experience, since the only experience about strong mind altering substances I had was with the 25I, but I decided to take it with the intent of working out why I had problems with alcohol, why I abused it, and why it was so difficult to me to stay sober.
I decided to take it with the intent of working out why I had problems with alcohol, why I abused it, and why it was so difficult to me to stay sober.
At this point I was pretty sure it was going to be a long difficult night of self-evaluation, in order to solve my addiction problems.

So I took the Methylone in the car, outside the house party we were assisting (with my other 3 close friends) and proceeded to wait as it kicked in.

About 40 minutes later we entered the party and I started to feel really good, every bit of fear and anxiety I had about taking the substance completely washed away, as I realized how clear minded and awake I was. It immediately became clear to me why I abused alcohol and it also seemed like a dummy question, it was clear how beautiful and valuable I was, and all the people I love are. For the next 2-3 hours we talked and danced in an atmosphere of complete and absolute trust and love, in what was for me the best night of my life. We had deeply meaningful conversations. I remember feeling how a lot of bit and pieces I had about reality, life and love suddenly clicked, and for the first time in years I was feeling at peace with all. Then the night was over, we all hugged out and got to sleep, it was a beautiful loving night.

So I’m writing this the following day. I no longer crave alcohol, as I realize it used to be a craving for acceptance and love, and I have now accepted and loved myself. This drug changed my life, and I now have genuine faith in the future, myself and the people around me, that if you look for good things, good things will happen. It is a deeply therapeutic experience, and it helped me a lot.

A side note is that I remember that when I was just passing the peak of the roll the thought of taking more to prolong the state came to me, so it might be a good idea to leave the main stash at another place where one can’t easily get it, in my case this gave me a little time to think and realize that I didn’t need to take more, as I was absolutely happy and satisfied with the night I had.

Finally about the comedown, I can’t comment a lot on the effect of the Piracetam as it is my first roll, but I definitely think it helped, because even though I feel physically tired (we danced and talked all night long) my mind feels clear and fresh, and I think this must be the After Glow people talk about. I am now a happier person. Love you all.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 107660
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Apr 30, 2020Views: 879
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Methylone (255) : Combinations (3), Depression (15), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), First Times (2), Large Group (10+) (19)

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