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My Two Extra Senses
Salvia divinorum
by pptt
Citation:   pptt. "My Two Extra Senses: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp10775)". Sep 7, 2018.

1.5 g smoked Salvia divinorum (leaves)
[Erowid Note: The dose described in this report is very high, potentially beyond Erowid's 'heavy' range, and could pose serious health risks or result in unwanted, extreme effects. Sometimes extremely high doses reported are errors rather than actual doses used.]
After a lot of explorations online about salvia, I decided I could try it since I thought I knew enough. I had a friend willing to try it too with whom I'd had several experiences with shrooms, so we both had someone to use as a sitter...

Yet, our first experiments weren't succesful at all, since we didn't get anything more than the awful taste of chewed salvia juice in our mouth. So we tried to smoke the dried leaves with a regular tobacco pipe. My friend never got real effects although he claimed he had: his effects were like 'ooh I have a complete control over my body and my feelings' which is something I find rather odd with salvia. At the time he got those effects, I was actually lost in my head wondering how the room could be inside my head while I was in it, but I never worried about it eg I never realised anything was happening.

We tried it another time, and once again we thought we got absolutely no effect except the strange feeling that I am extremely shaky while I'm not! this is not comfortable at all. Another effect I had but did'nt realize (once again) is the beginning of the reality shift I had read about so often: from time to time, between hits, I would feel like I was talking to someone or doing something else, but in fact I only had the memory that I was and couldn't actually remember anything. In the meantime nothing had changed around me and I could'nt figure out what was happening or even if *anything* was happening!

So my good friend lost his interest in salvia and the next time I tried it, I did it alone, in my apartment. The only light source was a little candle on a cupboard at the opposite side of the room (I was sitting on my bed with all the material on a chair by the bed). I was feeling a bit anxious and excited at the same time, which didn't bother me because I get this feeling everytime I take shrooms, cacti, X, MG or whatever...

Unlike the other times, I didn't add tobacco to the salvia, and filled the pipe to the top and took every hit till my lungs started to hurt (I smoke a lot of hash or weed everyday but I don't smoke tobacco and I consider I have touchy lungs). Before I had finished to smoke it, the skaking effect started real hard, and I almost didn't manage to put the pipe down on the chair. THEN the weird stuff happened, here's how I lived the events:

The shaking effect got so intense, I thought I recognized those moments during shrooms trip when things start to get really distorted and pretty. So I stared ahead to my wall waiting for a cool (I was expecting something 'cool') visual to come. It should have been easy to concentrate on the wall because I had a lot of flyers, postcards and other pretty stuff to look at but I was getting the reality shift effect and I thought I was talking to my parents in their house from time to time. Of course I didn't want them to find out what I was doing so this was confusing.

Then (I'll explain later) I saw that the wall was teared like a paper sheet exactly in the middle of my field of vision. That was confusing too because I wasn't actually seeing it with my eyes: I was seeing both things: the wall and the fracture in it, but it wasn't like they was one layer onto another, it was more like I had two senses of vision. Then I heard -but didn't hear it- with my second sense of audition that on the left was the salvia space and on the right was the normal space. I was explained that if I wanted to keep on exploring with salvia I had to go to the left, that's when I naturally teared my face in two by taking my right cheek with my two hands and pulled on it. The two parts of the wall went apart and then that's all I can remember: the shaking effect got too strong and that's the first moment I thought something was about to happen! I layed on my bed and then NOTHING happened, I just rested until I came back to normal.

The interesting part is: It took me 2 hours to realize that tearing the wall and my face in two hadn't really happened! it all happened so naturally that I didn't realize anything was wrong -or right in fact. I remembered a week after that that all this happened before the last hit! so I still had the pipe in my hands when I teared my face in two, which is impossible since I used them both.

This wasn't even a quarter of the cosmic adventure I had been expecting, but the fact that I actually did things without realizing it freaked me out for real afterwards. I understood I already had met with the real effects with the reality shift effect but most importantly: I understood that I should have had a sitter even if nothing went wrong.

The most interesting part of the trip was the superposition of two realities but not in the usual sense: I didn't go to other places, other dimensions or anything: I was right there in the same place, but I had at least 2 other senses to perceive the same reality, so that makes 2 realities actually! this is interesting to me because I've always thought that hallucinogens were good teachers in the way that they don't teach you things like a book does but thay do by making you see things by yourself from a different, more adapted point of view. So for a moment, I was truly an alien, a being that perceived the world not like any other human (except of course, some those reading this) thanks two his other senses.

I haven't experimented with salvia again, but I'm really looking forward to it, with a sitter this time

Exp Year: 2000ExpID: 10775
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Sep 7, 2018Views: 804
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