Not Even Close
Citation:   MDPVlover. "Not Even Close: An Experience with MDPHP (exp107763)". Nov 4, 2016.

T+ 0:00
10 mg vaporized MDPHP (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:15 15 mg vaporized MDPHP (powder / crystals)
  T+ 0:30 20 mg insufflated MDPHP (powder / crystals)
It seems like there's almost no information on MDPHP (3,4-Methylenedioxy-α-Pyrrolidinohexanophenone) to be found. It was formerly named MDPH but later renamed to prevent confusion with the psychedelic Methylenedioxyphentermine.

A bit of background, I've had plenty of experience with MDPV before, and have also tried a-PHP a couple times so that's what I'll be comparing it to. I loved MDPV for the euphoria and for the sexual enhancement but always needed lots of Benzos to prevent then paranoia and anxiety. It would be an hour of euphoria then the negative side effects, especially with redosing. I haven't been able to find anything that comes remotely close, both good and bad. a-PHP was a shorter euphoria and just as bad side effects.

Appereance was similar to MDPV, white but clumps up more like sugar does, rather than flakes. Smell definitely has that distinctive MDPV smell.

T+0:00 - Weighed out 10mg with a mg scale after doing a allergy test. Tried vaporizing on foil, which left just a little bit of residue. Taste was similar to MDPV, not harsh and no real odor like there is with a-PHP. Vaporizing 10mg, there was no real rush from it. A little bit of stimulation but none of the euphoria or sexual effects that MDPV had. Definitely not as potent as MDPV.

T+0:15 - Weighed out another 15mg since I wasn't feeling much and again tried vaporizing it. Same as before, just a bit of stimulation. As opposed to a-PHP or MDPV there was no anxiety, no paranoia, no dry mouth, or any of the negative side effects.

T+0:30 - 20mg insufflated. Decided that without a proper oil burner, vaporization might not be the best. Insufflation had no taste but burned, especially for such a small amount. Just some stimulation, no euphoria but also no negative side effects.

Overall, just some stimulation, feeling a bit more social, but no real euphoria. Not a replacement for MDPV or a-PHP. Would say it's similar to a low MDPV oral dose.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 107763
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Nov 4, 2016Views: 10,630
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MDPHP (773) : First Times (2), Unknown Context (20)

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