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Countless Crows and Perpetually Open Eyes
Citation:   Daytripper7. "Countless Crows and Perpetually Open Eyes: An Experience with LSD (exp107825)". Jan 26, 2016.

  sublingual LSD (blotter / tab)
I had not yet tried blotter acid (or any other form of LSD), but recently I aquired a 155 ug blotter tab of very pure LSD. Considering it was my first time doing LSD, I only took 3/4 of the tab (I'm guessing around 130 ug at most, under my tongue and held it there for 20+ minutes).

A little background first though, in the past I have tried Salvia, Hawaiian Baby Woodrose seeds and (the day before I tried the acid) I tried Magic Mushrooms in a liquid form. I wasn't really feeling satisfied with my mushroom experience from the other day (I took 1 Gram and it wasn't enough), so I decided to spend the next day trying LSD. I took it by myself, reason being is that all my friends were busy and I had the house to myself (not to mention I do have experience in other psychedelics and know how to keep myself pretty calm and meditate).

I popped it under my tongue around 1:30 PM; I felt like I was coming up after about 30 minutes, but it took about 1 hour and 30 minutes for the effects to actually start. At first I felt a bit strange, but wasn't really seeing any real hallucinations or bright colors/color shifts; fur blankets looked like they were coming alive, however. I went over to a window to test out if I was tripping and looked outside. It was a very beautiful day and it looked even better. The first real hallucination I saw were hundreds of birds flying through the sky in flocks, they came from different directions, dozens at a time, close and far away. They looked so real in the way they looked/flew, but I realized I was tripping balls. Some of the birds in the distance looked a bit like the flying monkeys in The Wizard of Oz. I then decided to stare at some paintings in my living room, one was of a flower that began to melt and deteriorate (die). The longer I starred the more it melted. There is wood floor in my house and when I starred at it the patterns moved around. I looked at some pillows that have a very detailed design with dots and lines which looked like little ants moving. The carpet in the living room began to feel like some kind of holy power source in the house and I was drawn to it's moving patterns. Things got pretty intense at this point and I feel it was where my plateau began.

I had to take a leak now so I went to the bathroom which felt like a very holy place to relieve myself. The sunlight was coming through the sunroof very bright. I felt very effected and everything had this intenese, wavy, colorful and fuzzy fish-eye effect when I came out of the bathroom. I went over to the stereo to play some psychedelic music and it actually sounded kind of boring at first, but then this fuzzy psychedelic guitar entered the song and it sounded amazing so I left it on. I tried going on my computer and noticed the wallpaper was changing colors (normally it's a solid blue color). I went on the internet and it was terrifying. Animated GIFs looked horrible and when I saw pictures of people I saw their faces age in 3 progressions. I turned off the computer and decided to walk around the house more. My house is kind of small and I began to feel tired of everything and felt I needed to do something significant, but I also knew that wasn't really an option. I tried playing video games, but they were either too real or too scary, even if it was Mario Kart. It was probably around 4:30 PM at this point and I actually just wanted the trip to end. Of course it wasn't going to, but I was feeling like I was ready to 'get off the ride'. I went over to my bed and pulled the covers over me. The concept of pulling blankets over me felt weird, like I was some kind of animal hiding under a leaf, or a car being covered from the rain/dirt. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep, but the strangest thing happened. Even though my eyes were closed it felt like they weren't! Like my eyelids were transparent and I could still see what was in front of me almost.

I began to feel very lonely and wondered if the trip would ever end. My existence felt insignificant and life felt so basic. It was only about 5 PM at this point. I really began to miss my girlfriend so I texted her a few times. My phone looked very bright. Minutes felt like hours waiting for a response. Finally around 5:30 PM she called me. I answered and we talked for almost the rest of the night. I decided to try and make a minimal dinner around 6:30 PM. I turned on the oven to toast some bread and when it began to heat up it felt hot and dangerous so I turned it off and ate the bread raw. It didn't taste very good even though I knew it was decent bread.

Around 7 PM I watched an episode of a TV show and it was pretty weird. I was able to focus on watching something now, and felt I was starting to come down a bit. Things seemed less visually trippy and my mind wasn't racing as much.The episode ended and I went to another room. The intensity from before started to come back. I talked to my girlfriend on the phone more and it felt impossible to follow what she was saying sometimes, even though what she was saying was very basic. I realized I asked her the same questions more than once in a short time span. I crawled into bed and was starting to feel tired, almost ready to sleep. It was around 8 PM now. Time was still going by incredibly slow. Finally 9 PM approached and I was able to turn off all the lights in the bedroom without being scared. I talked to my girlfriend on the phone until midnight and finally went to sleep. I woke up at 9:00 AM the next day and felt normal again. Although it seemed very long and tiring at the time, I would definitely consider doing LSD again. The next time would have to be different though, I would want it to be with a good sitter and my girlfriend tripping with me as well. I also would want more to do in a bigger house next time, maybe even somewhere outside. Overall the experience felt a lot more 'organic' than I thought it would. I thought there would be more closed-eye visuals and more color changes.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 107825
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: Jan 26, 2016Views: 1,878
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LSD (2) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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