Maximizing Pain
Citation:   Barnabejay. "Maximizing Pain: An Experience with Phenibut (exp107857)". Sep 21, 2019.

2 - 3 g oral Fluorophenibut
After reading mostly positive or neutral reviews of the supplement Phenibut, and after having positive experiences with gabapentin and Lyrica (supposedly in the same family of substances), it seemed like an easy choice to try phenibut and see whether it had similar relaxing and pain relieving properties. The fact that it was non-prescription, too, made it seem appealing if it worked.

I had been prescribed gabapentin in the past for restless leg syndrome and anxiety, and it worked well in helping me get to sleep. Lyrica had been prescribed to me on and off for pain due to a compressed nerve in my leg. If I could get any of the above benefits from phenibut, it would be entirely worth the money. At the time, I was taking neither gabapentin nor Lyrica.

My three experiences with phenibut were not good.

The first time, I took 2 grams on an empty stomach, and experienced no detectable effects whatsoever, even after 24 hours of patiently waiting and watching for changes in sleep patterns, pain, or relaxation.

Two weeks later I made a second attempt with 3 grams, and after 3 hours I started to feel moderate to strong physical pain throughout my entire body
after 3 hours I started to feel moderate to strong physical pain throughout my entire body
. I had not been exercising particularly hard the previous week, however both my previous nerve pain returned full force along with surprisingly strong muscle pain from my feet to my head that lasted for almost 12 hours. It felt like I had been beaten from head to toe, but without any noticeable cramping.

My final attempt, four weeks later, at the same dose, had precisely the same effect: Excruciating pain lasting for nearly 12 hours. No amount of stretching, hot baths, massage, or exercise seemed to help reduce the pain. Furthermore, the headache and upper body aching took another 12 hours or so to dissipate entirely.

Afterwards, the remainder of the phenibut I bought ended up in the trash.

Two experiences of totally unexpected pain with no positive effects has turned me off of phenibut completely. I would not do what I did and try it again after experiencing body pain with this substance the first time.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 107857
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Sep 21, 2019Views: 3,108
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Smarts - Phenibut (379) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Health Problems (27), Not Applicable (38)

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