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I Was Seeing This Stuff Out of Thin Air
Citation:   Mr. Breeze. "I Was Seeing This Stuff Out of Thin Air: An Experience with MDMA (exp107873)". May 1, 2020.

100 mg oral MDMA
    smoked Cannabis
  100 mg oral MDMA
Hallucinations on Molly

My brother and his girlfriend decided to roll last week, and after being around them for 2 hours, they had convinced me to get a couple points and roll with them. It was gonna be my first time trying MDMA (now to be fair, my dealer who is also a friend, said it tested as MDMA, but I didn't test it myself, so there's always a possibility).

I started off with one point, we were chillin in the garage when it started to really hit me. We smoked a bowl after about 20 mins of parachuting it, because my bro said it'd help us peak faster. And shit, was it intense. I told my brother that I might throw up, so he brought the garbage over to me just in case, but told me Molly makes you feel like that. The nausea passed and I started rolling even harder, all I could do was sit down on the couch, close my eyes, and move my head with the music (Odesza).

Eventually my friend walked in and we started smoking again. Some time passed and I decided to take my second point. We only had Christmas lights on in the garage, so there were sooo many shadows around the room and on people's faces. After I took my second one, I started to see almost a colorful grid over everything. I kept seeing aviators, a beanie, headphones, and a big ass handlebar mustache on my brother who was sitting across the table with his girlfriend in the shadowy part of the room. I remember bringing up what I was seeing to the people around me, and they blamed it on the shadows. But it became more real when I looked at my friend who was sitting next to me, and she had the David Bowie lightning bolt across her eye, and when I looked back and my bro and his gf, they both had the lightning bolt across their eye too.

Now, I've dabbled in my fair share of drugs, and even psychedelics (25b & 25i acid, a small amount of shrooms, and LSD), but I had NEVER seen ANYTHING like the shit I was seeing when I was rolling this hard. So after I told myself to stop staring at their faces, I began to look around the room. The door of the garage, which was white, had big capitalized block letters on it, but just the outline of the letters, in a rainbow color. After a certain time, those letters began to move too, and not like float and bounce a little bit, but all of them were moving right and more were appearing. Anything plain white in the room had this filter for me almost all night. I pulled out a cigarette, camel crush, where the filter is white instead of orange, and I could not make sense of what it was. It looked like a rolled up newspaper or something because it had a bunch of random letters on it. It took me almost a minute to figure out what was in my hand, and then to make sure I lit it the right way.

I kept trippin on people's faces all night. After my friend left, my bro and his gf came back over to my couch by the heater, and both of their faces had some sort of sand or crumbles on them. They were skin colored, but definitely looked like something tangible was on both of their faces. And I swear to fucking god, as I was watching my brother talk about something, I watched a piece of that skin-colored crumble thing fall off of his nose. At the same time that he had the crumbles on his face, his gf had different colored face paint on. Like a tribal sort of things, with random lines and colors. Only her face, not my bros. And when I looked right next to her at him, I saw his crumble face. It was so fucking real. I could look back and forth between two people and my hallucinations would still be there, following with them as they moved. What was weird to me was that they each had something different on their faces. That's what made it so real to me, because I couldn't blame it on the shadows or something, like I was seeing this stuff out of thin air.

We had music playing the whole night, Odesza Pandora radio, and every cup sitting on our coffee table was dancing with it. They were all bouncing up and down and sideways and stuff. The cushion on our chair was bubbling, it looked like something was inside of it. And one of the weirdest things I saw this night, to perhaps top the cake, were tiny invisible men trying to get into our cups. They were standing on the rim of the cup and of the water bottles, and walking around all night on the table and on the floor. They were transparent, but fuzzy so I could see them against a clear background.

The only “scary” thing I saw that night was when I looked over at my cat who way laying on the ground. I was looking at her face, and right on the other side of her head I saw this black evil monkey/dog/cat looking thing with his tounge sticking straight out about 3 or 4 inches, and his head just moved forward right next to my kitty's, just looking straight ahead. I wasn't gonna let this ruin my high or my night so I just decided not to think about it again. And thankfully, I was able to listen.

They didn't see ANYTHING. I brought it up a few times when I was rolling, like the aviators and the colorful grid and stuff, but I didnt want to kill the vibe makin them worry about me. It was from the same batch, from the same guy, and they even took more than I did (2.5 points each). So I was trippin by myself, but the great part was, I wasn't scared the whole time. I took 25i about 2 years ago and experienced the worst trip of my life which gave me PTSD. I was so sketched to do anything after that, ESPECIALLY hallucinogens. But I have worked past it, learning how to not freak myself out, how to calm myself down, and to just enjoy the high, to not fight anything. So when I was seeing all this shit while I was rolling, I was never once scared or uncomfortable. And for this, I am so proud of myself. I am exactly the type of person to freak myself out but I was able to keep my cool.

My brother ruled it as sleep deprivation. The previous week I had gotten so little sleep...
My brother ruled it as sleep deprivation. The previous week I had gotten so little sleep...
at most a few hours a night, so it just enhanced the hallucinations when I began rolling. Also my eyes were clearly shaking all night, which I'm sure didn't help with the shit I was seeing. I wonder if anyone else had experienced anything like this while on molly. It's safe to rule out that it was the molly itself, considering my bro and his gf took more than I did and they didn't see anything. It was the craziest night of my life.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 107873
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: May 1, 2020Views: 595
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MDMA (3) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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