Ltd Ed 'Solve et Elucido' Art Giclee
This reverberating psychedelic giclee print is a gift for a
$500 donation to Erowid. 12" x 12", stretched on canvas, the
image wraps around the sides of the 1" thick piece. Signed
by artist Vibrata, and Erowid founders Earth & Fire.
Disappointing and Jittery but Intriguing
Citation:   AAP_Roach. "Disappointing and Jittery but Intriguing: An Experience with 5-MeO-MIPT (exp107890)". Jul 9, 2018.

7 mg oral 5-MeO-MIPT (liquid)
  11 ml oral Alcohol - Hard (liquid)
First, some personal history. I'm a 20-year-old male, 6 feet tall, about 270 lbs, previous experience with a grocery list of the world's relatively non-risky drugs. However, I notably have *not* tried psilocybin mushrooms, which makes Moxy my first tryptamine.

I acquired perhaps 56 miligrams of the drug and dissolved it in 84 mL of 45% volume/volume solution of ethanol and water (read: shitty but cheap overproof vodka). Made the solution on Thursday night in a glass jar, and took a shot of perhaps 2 militres to ensure that I didn't have some idiosyncratic reaction to the drug. Nothing happened, so on Friday night (which it is as I write this) I decided to fully dose.

Most people recommend 5 mg as a first time dose for this compound. I, as you might have guessed from my stats, am a fat. Therefore, I generally need a little more of any given substance to feel it than the average joe, what with my corpulence soaking up all the tasty chemicals before my brain can get at them. I decided that 7 mg would be a reasonable place to start and so syringed out about 11 mL of solution to squirt into my mouth, or slightly over 7 mg worth assuming I was perfectly precise and didn't have any losses (HA!). I swallowed, it burned, I winced and noted the time as about 10:30.

The first thing I felt, about 20 minutes in, was an AMAZING body buzz. There was a sort of tingling pleasure, largely concentrated on my thighs, and tactile sensations were in general enhanced. Shortly thereafter, my music starting shooting waves of it down my body from my ears.

I was excited! This is great, I thought, a legal substance (I'm Canadian) that I can take for hitting the club. But shortly thereafter, these acute effects faded.

For the next hour, I was restless and energetic and inclined to dance a bit, but there was very little psychological effect. It was more than just a very functional high: I would say my mind wasn't really affected at all. When I talked to my housemates, I did notice I was speaking fast (nowhere near the speed freak levels I get up to on MDMA, but noticeably faster than I ever reliably can when I'm sober) but that was about it. They didn't seem to notice anything out of the ordinary with me, or if they did, nothing worth commenting on. They shortly left the house and I went back to listening to my music. It was still noticeably nicer than usual, but it wasn't doing what it did on the come-up. I checked my pupils when I went to the bathroom (which was accomplished as if sober) and they were normal.

At this point, I was a little disappointed but figured I just probably didn't account enough for my weight and I'd try a higher dose next weekend. But around 12:30, the body buzz came back...and it brought with it a little bit of good news and a fair amount of bad news. The good news was the first feelings of mental intoxication: quite mild, and it most reminded me of a very excitable, 'up' drunkeness. The bad news followed shortly afterwards and pretty much canceled out the good: I started getting annoying tightness in my chest and my pulse absolutely skyrocketed. For maybe 15 minutes, I was quite concerned: my heart was pounding like I'd just been sprinting around or something, which it doesn't even do on when I'm on MDMA. This eventually subsided, leaving behind the same restless energy as before. I was prone to pacing, dancing and stopping tasks in the middle to switch off to something new. It was not, however, particularly euphoric. Don't get me wrong, I was happy, but it wasn't 'on drugs' happy, just the regular, sober 'I'm in a good mood and have the night off' kind of way.

This has basically been gradually tapering off from then (probably 12:45) to now (2:45). I currently have a bit of a headache but am not really getting any sort of crash or comedown effects otherwise.

Moxy, appropriately enough for a little-used research chemical, feels experimental: like it's an experience that someone's been tinkering with to get right but hasn't quite figured out yet. I probably will re-dose a few more times before giving up on it. Some reports I have read are absolutely glowing, basically consisting of several hours of the part I liked, plus a deep hallucinogenic phase.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 107890
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Jul 9, 2018Views: 1,439
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