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Observer of the Matrix
2C-B & Ketamine
Citation:   mentaKtiv. "Observer of the Matrix: An Experience with 2C-B & Ketamine (exp107899)". May 22, 2018.

T+ 0:00
50 mg oral 2C-B
  T+ 0:30 1 line insufflated Ketamine
  T+ 1:00 1 line insufflated Ketamine
I have been through psychedelics over a year or more, and of all substances I have looked very much forward to getting to 2-cb. I have by the time taken 30mg and 40mg doses with 2 weeks in between trips. I felt could very well handle the 30mg for first time, snorting 10 of the 30, not feeling the trip overwhelming at all, having badtripped on several other substances throughout time, and enjoyed the bad trip. Decided as I had half a pill of 10mg laying around to try and reach 50mg, and as I ate the pills I got to think about ketamine's possibility in extending the short-lived 2-cb trip as it gives a sense of time lasting much longer. I was able to find about 90mg ketamine which I then got ready to snort, as I was coming up on the 2-cb.

T+ 30m
Having a conversation online with someone I realize my sense of past and future is being hilariously distorted mixing up very well, making me realize conversing on this high dose of 2-cb although just coming up is difficult. Hit a line of ketamine, approx 25mg and decide to enter an oldschool future first person shooter game.

T+ 1H
Walking around in the game with other players being very amazed at all the textures appearing as moving and warping, I decide not to be a parasite on my team anymore and move to spectator mode, somehow manage to minimize the game, whereafter it gets really interesting as the sound from the game still runs through my headset and I partake in the game through CEV's, the CEV's being very robotic, sharp and electric. I feel like I am being sucked out of this dimension as I am in this odd world of CEV's and before I know it I am with the game minimized spectating the game seeing 2 teams fighting each other. Feeling some very strange physical effects on my body as if a sort of sieve from fourth of fifth dimension passes through my body
Feeling some very strange physical effects on my body as if a sort of sieve from fourth of fifth dimension passes through my body
, whereafter every action of the game that occurs passes through me as if I am a sort of computer, the game, the system if you will. I feel the struggles of each player, every dissapointment in each death and excitement in those who victor.

I try to guide some around, and it seems the players are somehow moving towards the ideas I cast into the game being confirmed many times through the audio from the game. I quickly open up the game to confirm that I'm really seeing whats going on and I am seeing the same map as I was through CEV's as unreal as it could be. I continue this fantastic observer mode for at least an hour if my idea of time is not too distorted, which ketamine especially for me is good at doing. I snort another 25mg ketamine meanwhile in this observer mode and remember a neat little trick I have thought up to avoid drip from insufflating substances; I have to breathe in through the nose, the air will dry out the nose, cooling it down a slight bit. If I breathe back out through nose the moisture will settle in my nose, coalescing and eventually dripping down on tongue, giving a good reason to puke and also wasting precious psychoactive substance. I Inhale through nose, exhale through mouth.

T+ 2H
Decide that the effects of my observer mode is fading a slight bit and get into the game, where again this really odd physical effect is felt rushing through my entire body, giving me mental images of a very complicated matrix that I coexist in, maybe up to fifth dimensional which I cant entirely interact with but I feel it being wired to my physical body as it rushes through me giving a electrical numbing feeling, coming from upwards right side running down, as if I'm a liquid being sieved. I give my last attempt at manipulating the game through CEV's (although now being on one team), trying to create a freethinker in the game, artificial intelligence if you will, although this seems to just fade and I give up knowing it really isnt necessary, anyways.

I get some few very short images of surfacing a container with some gooey liquid in a strange digital world, I cant seem to manifest these images but I cant help but to think of the matrix, although few similarities and colours being dominantly black (although thats a constrast) and solid yellow. I get another fullblown CEV, and I dont know how I got to this CEV, maybe I asked to see what DMT's role in afterlife is, but I saw something that could appear as a mechanism in which the soul is coupled off the physical body, shot into another reality. And I get this really strong feeling, that what is launching the soul (the soul appearing as a vehicle, a structure in the CEV) through a membrane of reality made of geometry and emptyness into another reality -- is DMT.

The rest of the night I enjoy by being sorrounded by a fog of crystal geometry and having some medium level 'coincidences' notably being I was listening eminem and one guy decides to say 'spaghetti code' (reference to eminems song 'lose yourself' where he appears to say 'moms spaghetti' although he didnt know I was listening eminem). I decide that the rest of the ketamine (40mg?) gets to meet its end destination another good time.

I had on 40mg 2-cb also some odd observant CEV watching some type of energy flow in a distant dimension, but I'm hoping the ketamine helped this observer CEV to really kick in as I often feel very much connected to technology and the like even just on ketamine
I often feel very much connected to technology and the like even just on ketamine
, but having some visuals along with the connection to the machine was maybe one of the most interesting experiences I have had so far. You could say this was just sheer delusions, but hearing the audio from the game made it seem like I was indeed seeing what was going on in the game, and felt some very powerful energies right before hearing people dying in the game, larger explosions and what not, alarm of base being under attack and so forth. I'd rather keep the game's name confidential as not very many plays the game, simply to remain more anonymous.

I am so far very satisfied with the combination of ketamine and 2-cb, thinking I will keep it at lower 2-cb doses for the near future, but indeed will try to move to larger doses for basic curiousity, seeming to find 2-cb not as being very dangerous even at doses larger than adviced.

2-cb is the way to go if I am looking for visuals, and ketamine seems to add amazing psychedelic depth. 2 brilliant substances. The day after I'm feeling not even headache which is common for me with psychedelics, but instead a very sure afterburn effect.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 107899
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: May 22, 2018Views: 1,643
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2C-B (52), Ketamine (31) : Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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