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Flipping Inside Out
Salvia divinorum (10X Extract)
Citation:   TripDawg. "Flipping Inside Out: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (10X Extract) (exp10790)". Mar 10, 2018.

3 hits smoked Salvia divinorum (extract - 10x)
I recieved my long awaited salvia on a warm october afternoon. What a nice day, I thought as I went to pick up the gram of 10x extract and the half ounce of leaves. I was very excited but slightly nervous to try it.

I got back to my house and drove my quad to a pond in the woods where I had many other experiences with psychoactives, especially cannabis and acid. I packed my bowl with the extract because I heard from the person I got this from that the leaves didn't do much. I also wanted to get a full first experience. Well this wasn't smart because the power and mind-blowing effects of salvia took me by suprise after I took the first 2 hits of the odd tasting plant material. It felt much like LSD at first, being similar, as objects like plants and rocks moved with liveliness. Visuals looked more flashing than acid. I believe acid is more visually 'pulsing'. I feel something very odd, like a pull and push feeling, which felt like flipping inside out! This then turns into a feeling of being pulled in a certain, constant direction. My mind feels very clouded and I feel confused. When I take the other hit, I go from confused to just plain shocked. It comes on in seconds, hitting me with a psychedelic nature. I closed my eyes and lost contact with where I was.

I am at a beach. I can see palm trees, waves and sand. I can even look around, so I must be here. Did I just dream about being on a quad in the woods, because a memory of a quad is sticking in the back of my head. No, I am here at the beach. People are laughing. What a peacefull place. Wait, this doesn't seem right. What beach, I began to think, where am I?? I open my eyes. I thought my eyes were open because of the great clarity of the beach. What is this place? It looks even less like reality. I am at a lake, sitting on some sort of red thing.

Wow, I thought this is so weird. I am pretty sure I forgot about taking any drug. I see this spinning vortex, like a spinning hole in the middle of the air, about 10 feet in front of me. Slowly, the visuals subside and normal mental thinking comes back. I don't know how long I was gone, due to some memory loss. I would guess about 20 minutes. I think I came down from noticing that push-pull feeling. It was bothering me. It was uncomfortable. I start coming sober except for a tired feeling, with slight memory loss and persisting confusion. The memories of before the experience and most of the intense part of the experience seemed like it happened the night before, like a distant memory. I was filled with wonder and awe. Where was that feeling of being pulled coming from? It felt magnetic. I look down at my compass on my keychain. The feeling came from the east. I was expecting north because of the magnetic pull of the north pole. After about an hour after smoking it, I feel it is safe to drive back to my house. I was fairly sleepy and felt confusion over what had happened. I feel awake and sober completely about 3 hours later. Wow fellow explorers, be careful with this magnificent vision tool.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10790
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 10, 2018Views: 947
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Salvia divinorum (44) : General (1), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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