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Intermittent Loss of Hearing and Vision
Nitrous Oxide & Cannabis
Citation:   Taho3. "Intermittent Loss of Hearing and Vision: An Experience with Nitrous Oxide & Cannabis (exp107908)". Mar 29, 2018.

  repeated smoked Cannabis  
  5 carts. inhaled Nitrous Oxide (gas)
Had been recreationally enjoying whippits every now and again for a couple years. Then one fateful evening, after smoking some bowls and going on a whippit ride a few times, I decided to do about 5 chargers, exhaling back into balloon and inhaling it again while cracking next one, repeated until 5 or so were in me.

Then all of the sudden the music and noise all went completely silent, then it came back again and I realized that my entire ability to hear just faulted. Immediately after this realization my vision does the same thing, I can't see at all for a second or two, and when my vision returned my hearing promptly faulted again, sufficiently freaking me the fuck out. This happened to me several times in the matter of a minute, luckily I had a counter to lean on otherwise I would have lost my balance and fallen to the floor. After that experience I vowed to never do whippits or any other inhalants ever again. That was wayyyy too real and absolutely not worth the high if I run the risk of fucking with my ability to hear or see.

Exp Year: 2008ExpID: 107908
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 29, 2018Views: 884
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