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Dont Fight It Just Embrace
Citation:   Spearfisher. "Dont Fight It Just Embrace: An Experience with DMT (exp107909)". Mar 16, 2021.

  repeated smoked DMT
Well, I had acquired 1 gram of DMT from a good friend of mine whom gets it from out of the States. I was apprehensive at first, so the first couple times I had tried this substance I did not use enough. Well, when it came to it I had finally prepared myself to try this magical substance that my friend speaks so highly of, I measured out almost 50mg and put it in my bowl, with a little bit of weed on top. I was sitting in my SUV in the parking lot of the beach, when I decided to take my first rip.

So I lit it up took a deep puff. The taste wasn't too bad. I held it in for a few seconds. Now as soon as I exhaled I IMMEDIATELY felt my entire body buzz. I heard like a loud zooming noise and than ALL of a sudden EVERYTHING fast forwarded at the same time. I instantly became a little freaked out. I was just not prepared enough. I was freaking out for a few seconds and I told myself to embrace it. I immediately became calm. I closed my eyes and saw AND felt these amazing geometric patterns of Gold, red, and orange. It was absolutely amazing. I could feel my body soaring through what felt as best as I can describe as another realm. I had feelings as If I could not believe that this world has existed this whole time! I felt at one with earth as my eyes were closed and I soared through this other worldly experience. I could feel that my body was completely in tune with geometric patterns and vibrations that I was experiencing. I opened my eyes and my whole perception of the world was shifting. The bushes and the trees were dancing in harmony to the vibrations and patterns that I was seeing. I loaded up another bowl and riped it again. I immediately experienced the EXACT same thing that I had felt, accept this time I did not have any moments of fear or anxieties. After a few short moments I could feel my self coming back to reality. What amazed me about this whole experience was the short lived duration of this magical substance. After about 20 minutes or so I had pretty much come down and had a bit of an afterglow. I went on to smoke a couple more bowls of dmt throughout the day, but the magic touch that I had the first time was lacking. I would recommend that you wait atleast a few hours before trying this experience again.

All in all, it was truly amazing experience and I would absolutely try it again. I just remember, as soon as I get the first feeling, I just embrace it. I can't let it get to me. Just sit back and relax and take it all in.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 107909
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 16, 2021Views: 533
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DMT (18) : General (1), Alone (16)

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