That Person in the Maze
DXM Polistirex, Buproprion & Lamotrigine
Citation:   DXMnaught. "That Person in the Maze: An Experience with DXM Polistirex, Buproprion & Lamotrigine (exp107910)". Jan 24, 2021.

1420 mg oral DXM
  300 mg oral Pharms - Bupropion
Rocketed Through to the 3rd/4th Plateau

I am not a a user of psychedelics at all, but a few days ago I decided to try some DXM poly, I used the cold press method and just used a gallon jug to extract it all in the bottom of the jug, Used 8oz of syrup.

After I had the sludge I decided to mix it up with some grape juice and down it. I was very wary of taking it with Antidepressants because I had heard of bad stuff happening, but decided I was safe with the buproprion after reading it was only ssri's that I need to worry about.

T+0:00 At around 1:00pm I took the DXM sludge and grape juice mixture. I sat around watching some documentaries for awhile but did not notice anything considerable for awhile.

T+1:30 About an hour and a half in I started to feel the effects, mostly like I was drunk. Noticed my coordination was getting affected so I decided to lay down, cognitive impairment not too noticeable.

T+2:00 Laying down with eyes closed and started to see visuals, mostly fractals, like TRON. I was barreling down a tunnel that looked like TRON, with colors going from Tron blue to Red and green.

After this I am not too sure about the time so I am going to guess.

T+3:00 After going through the 1st plateau with closed eye visuals, I opened my eyes to be suddenly in the Third plateau, this was very noticeable because of the flanging effect. I started to freak out a bit, but then reminded myself not to and calmed down, I decided to get in the shower at this time, not sure why. While in there I began experimenting with this flanging effect. I found I could somewhat control it while slowly looking around without having the 'flanging effect', however if I tried moving my eyes too fast I would definitely get flanging. While in the shower I decided to test my cognitive ability (I am an engineer) so I wanted to see how I was functioning. I ended up singing the ABC's in the shower, then I thought I would try singing it backwards but soon decided against that.

T+3:30 I got out of the shower and looked at myself in the mirror and saw my pupils completely dilated. I also felt the experience getting stronger. I managed to get into some pajamas, barely. My motor skills were severely impaired at this point and I do not know how I got my clothes on but I did.

T+4:00 I ended up laying in bed and remember rocketing to the 3rd plateau from my body. I don't know how to explain it but will try, it was like I was a cell in my body and I saw myself as this cell come all the way up through the muscles my skin and then I rocketed up and barely saw my body as I was looking down. Suddenly I was in space and then through galaxies then through the universe, until finally everything started to warp until I came to a place where I was in like a maze. I was really going fast, rocketing is not the word for it. I remember floating through this maze, and again it was kind of like a TRON blue but more of with a shade of gray to it with black interiors. Only the outlines and corners were illuminated. Anyways, as I was floating around the maze I came around the corner to find a figure sitting in the corner on the ground with his head down in his knees as if he was crying or sad. I just sat there for a moment floating above then ended up leaving not understanding this, but felt like I had to go as something else was calling.

T+5:00 or 6:00 Again not sure of time, the next part I am not sure of as I may of been asleep or hit the forth plateau and dont remember, but one thing I do remember is a voice saying go find him. I am assuming this meant go find that person in the maze. I remember making this my priority. After this I do not remember much, but I will say I woke up with a hangover and still had bad coordination for the next day with bad lethargy.

Looking back, it on it now a few days later and reflecting on it, I believe this was a spiritual journey for me to find myself. That person I saw in the maze was me, feeling alone and depressed. The voice was telling me I need to find myself to reconnect with myself. I am not sure if I found that person in the maze as I dont remember, but I will say that I remember it being a priority.

It is now 2 days after my trip and I can say that I do feel more happy and content with life. So I am assuming it went well.

Anyways I thought I would share this experience as it was eye opening for me. I will say it was frightening at first, but once I calmed down and reminded myself that this was just a trip it ended up being just fine, also it seemed to frighten me when I hit the second plateau, that was about it.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 107910
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Jan 24, 2021Views: 674
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DXM (22) : Hangover / Days After (46), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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