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A Lysergamide Lacking Depth
Citation:   bueno. "A Lysergamide Lacking Depth: An Experience with 1P-ETH-LAD (exp107914)". Erowid.org. Feb 8, 2016. erowid.org/exp/107914

200 ug oral 1P-ETH-LAD (blotter / tab)
I would like to share with you my experience with the novel research chemical 1P-ETH-LAD which has recently appeared on the market in the UK.

Being a fan of the mind states induced by LSD-25, I decided to run an experimental trial with this substance due to the short time period in which it will remain legal before the blanket ban on psychoactive substances is imposed in April 2016.

I believe my previous LSD experiences have had significant therapeutic and spiritual significance in my life and I have been using it on and off for the previous 5 years in conjunction with meditation and dietary exercises for these purposes. I have access to LSD-25 which produces intense CEV's on par with 5 gram psilocybin semilanceata experiences in intensity and depth.
It was this that drew me to 1P-ETH-LAD as from the few scarce reports I could find, I believed it had the same potential for inner visionary journeys.

11.00 PM: I swallowed two blank white tabs reportedly dosed at 100ug each by an online vendor. I had a bath run and planned on coming up in a relaxing environment devoid of external stimuli. Listening to a Ram Dass lecture with candle and incense lit.

11.30 PM: First alerts are a slight drunken feeling and mild stomach discomfort. I feel gaseous and slightly nauseated upon entering my bedroom. I am at this moment feeling uneasy due to my previous reasearch chemical experience with AMT being scary and unsettling. I question my decision to go with 200ug as a trial, however I manage to remind myself that some of the trip reports I read in preparation stated doses much higher than this.
Although this is not empirical evidence for a high safety profile, I find it comforting at the time.

12.00 AM: The effects are beginning to take hold; my visual field is becoming 'fuzzy' and my body temperature seems to be fluctuating between intensely hot to intensely cold. I find this unnerving, and in conjunction with a sudden rush of energy I decide to leave my room and walk around the house to alleviate some tension.

12.30 AM: The body-load is increasing to the point at which I find it difficult to maintain balance. I feel glad that I chose to do this at home rather than outside. On 200 mikes of LSD I feel I would be much more comfortable out in the woods than on this.

1.00 AM: The body load is manifesting as a localised heat that moves around my body with the tactile sensation of small explosions. It is not unpleasant but makes me feel inclined towards writhing around in my bed as opposed to being active. The dissonance between a large amount of energy and the overwhelming urge to lie down appears initially as a little unsettling.

1.30 AM: The nausea has worn off however my stomach complaints are still there, albeit less intense. I feel like I have finally 'come up' in the sense that my body sensations feel stronger and they are now accompanied by audio hallucinations. These audio phenomena remind me somewhat of the sounds I hear on large doses of mushrooms; bleeps, mechanical whirrings and 'flange' like metallic delays panning from left ear to right, sometimes appearing to emanate from within my head.
However, despite all of this I still do not feel like I am 'tripping', owing to the fact that my cognition and internal narrative seems relatively unaffected. I was expecting some of LSD's sparkle and serenity, however as Alexander Shulgin noted about eth-lad, the lysergamide upon which this is based, it appears to be distinctly lacking.

2.00 AM: At this point I put on headphones and lie down with the intention of coaxing some inner landscape from the darkness behind my eyes. I was presented with vague, indistinct outlines and forms, however they did not seem inclined to manifest into anything more detailed.

3.00 AM: I do not notice much music enhancement however my walls are shifting and swimming in a familiar fashion. This entices me to attempt some more visualisation techniques. I focus on my breathing and close my eyes, however the closest I can get to any CEV's are brief flashes of highly realistic flashes of close up genitalia. I find the fashion in which they are presented to me obtrusive and disturbing. I have recently been doing some Base Chakra work and abstaining from masturbation or sex and I feel that thedr images where potentially throw ups from a repressed psyche.

4.00 AM: I am lying in bed watching some new flying lotus video, feeling rather uninspired. The majority of the experience has reminded me of the tail end of an LSD trip in which the mind is still stimulated but the majority of the visual and cognitive effects have subsided.

5.30 AM: I watch the planetary allignment of Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn that is possible to view for a brief window during this month. I am filled with none of the Awe or Wonder that I normally feel when looking at the sky under the influence of mushrooms or lsd (especially mushrooms for me).

7.00 AM: The bodily effects begin to subside, as do the acute OEV's. I still feel a backgroumd stimulation.

8.30 AM: I do not remember exactly when I fell asleep, however I do remember some of Ram Dass' words holding a particular impact for me as I drifted off. This was probably about the most emotionally involved bit of the whole trip and still it felt bland and detached. I just remember him talking about bhakti yoga and the way in which he described karma as being particularly resonant.

The next day I felt none of the drained or 'zapped' feeling I get of acid, however I did feel an over riding sense of peace and well being.

Overall I was very dissapointed with this chemical. I felt that I should try it before it is made illegal however I am not sure if it was worth the effort of procuring. I am sure there is something to learn from the experience, just no nold insights as I would usually get from LSD, Psilocybin or smoked DMT.

I had not tripped previous to this experience for roughly a week and a half, when I took two tabs quite strong LSD. Maybe this affected the experience as I would expect cross tolerance.

I think my expectations of what this was going to be prevented me from appreciating it for what it seemed to be: a long lasting mildly pleasant body high with no mental journey or imagery.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 107914
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Feb 8, 2016Views: 6,399
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