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Release of Pent Up Emotional Energy
5-MeO-DMT & Methadone
by Rob
Citation:   Rob. "Release of Pent Up Emotional Energy: An Experience with 5-MeO-DMT & Methadone (exp107960)". Sep 2, 2017.

  oral Methadone
    smoked 5-MeO-DMT
As an active addict on opiates for twenty years including methadone I got the opportunity to do 5meo under supervision of experts in the field. I was not afraid as I really would try anything to escape methadone.

I did it in the mountains beside a stream. I felt safe with the shamen, did what he told me, smoked the vapour in for 15 seconds held it for 15 more then he hit me on the back and said exhale.

Instantly I was transported into a state where I could see hear everything. See all things are connected. I started laughing. Suddenly I noticed beings in front of me, I lowered my head and asked please could they help me with this chain of addiction attached to me and could they free me. My breathing was intense but controlled, then I went blank. I couldnt remember what happened until weeks later. However I felt myself coming around and the shamen asked me did I want to do more medicine.

At that point I said no as I was feeling overwhelmed. I did however recognize instantly everything I saw heard and felt as if I had forgotten it or been there before. It felt realer than this reality. I knew I should have gone deeper because it seemed to release pent up emotional energy that was weighing me down all my life. I left my body and travelled so far it was mind boggling. I lost connection with the beings who were going to guide me. If I had done as the shamen suggested they would have taken me on a journey. I was not afraid of death at any point.

I am going to do it again in a few months. It is something one does maybe two or three times in a lifetime. I saw good and bad and truth of myself. I know doing it this time I will free myself from addiction completely. I stopped to eating meat, stopped eating crap and started gobbling lots of fruit and water?? Not a decision I just did it. I am of a different mindset now. I care little about money beyond basic needs and material possessions I'm not bothered about. I cant watch tv because it looks so fake and hollow its pointless. I feel very aware and seem to see a lot more than I did before.

I cannot wait to complete my session in june. It is not something a person should do alone or does themselves. I had professionals around me for support.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 107960
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 42
Published: Sep 2, 2017Views: 1,486
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5-MeO-DMT (58) : Guides / Sitters (39), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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