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I Have a Feeling This Trip Will Remain on My Memory
Citation:   Abraxas. "I Have a Feeling This Trip Will Remain on My Memory: An Experience with 2C-E (exp108004)". Sep 17, 2018.

20 mg oral 2C-E (capsule)
A Particularly Worthwhile Trip

The 2C-E came in the mail, it was shoddily packaged and had spread to the outside of the letter, I was very worried it had been noticed or even accidentally ingested by a mail worker and the shitstorm that might incur. I scraped the contents and put it into capsules 20mg each, 150mg had been sent but around 100mg was obtained.

I took 20mg, there were psychedelic rumblings then it really started to lift off, every fibre of my body was extra-sensitive. It was quite unpleasant but not unmanageable. The ceiling in the room was showing tell tale movements and rainbow aura effects. I felt my mind being stripped of all preconceptions, to a very vulnerable state then after all had been shed, a calm came across me, my mind started to rebuild itself. In particular world events and society came to the fore, immigration, government, the medical establishment, war and so on. These were topics that I had been primed on by television and world events, this was a spiritual trip but its implications were very mundane but easily as important, it came to mind that all systems were set up to foster the maintenance of consciousness and that this is the central pillar of civilisation
it came to mind that all systems were set up to foster the maintenance of consciousness and that this is the central pillar of civilisation
, that consciousness is limited in day to day proceedings, one as a survival trait and secondly as damage control for outbursts of errant consciousness. That society is systematised as such to benevolently keep people on the right track, serving them a purpose and meaning, that everything is a well orchastrated form of worship to the divine even, that psychiatrists, police and army and all people form a priesthood of the divine.

This experience was way beyond anything I've ever experienced before, the ramifications seem more enlightening than anything I've previously experienced with any drug, the unsaid priesthood, the face behind the mask. The drug slowly became less and less potent, I ate some food and drank some kratom to take the energetic edge off.

I have a feeling this trip will remain or at least hope that it remains burnt on my memory, it reminds me of the phrase, the lord works in mysterious ways and overall had a very Christian bent to it.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108004
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Sep 17, 2018Views: 854
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2C-E (137) : General (1), Alone (16)

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