The Six True Deities the Trials of Judgement
Citation:   Saltwater Spirit. "The Six True Deities the Trials of Judgement: An Experience with DMT (exp108057)". May 25, 2021.

10 - 40 mg smoked DMT
I am at a friend's house, who plays something known as binaural beats. The one he played was one designed for energy and focus. Also, he put a visualizer on his TV. To my right, there was a hung on his wall with deep, grooving patterns, fixated with a sort of black 'star' in the center. Various patterns lined each of the main edges of the star. These are all important details for you to understand my journey.

My first time, I only got a 10 dose. I felt weird, and I could feel myself as energy. Other than that, not too much visuals. However, the second time, my friend loaded me a huge, brimming bowl out of his water pipe and said 'Take all this' to which I immediately complied. I killed the entire bowl in one hit and held it in, staring blankly at the red, swirling visualizer. Suddenly, the room began to grow dark, with red neon flares everywhere.

That was the moment I knew it had truly begun. I was not even in the same room anymore; instead I was in an ever changing neon room, and the red began to make me feel uneasy. I needed some relief from the darkness, which felt utterly familiar but scary to me no less. I looked to my left at the blanket with the crazy patterns for safety.

At first, the blanket actually seemed normal. The only thing I was experiencing at first when looking at the blanket was the binaural beats vibrating my soul, shifting it around. The change in my energy caused the star in the center to show me 6 deities in place of the patterns within the star. In the center was an orb, and I floated above all of this stuff. I was staring at the beings with disbelieve, and then one of them spoke.

'You must face our judgment if you want to reach paradise.' At that moment, the portal area of the blanket became a colosseum like structure that all 6 deities took on a tall, bridging form, not threatening, but uneasing. They began to chant at me, to repent my sins. 'Repent. Repent. Repent.' They then pulled my spirit out of my body, which began to discuss my inner demons without my consent. A powerful wave of energy began to wash over me as each sin was put out in the open, as if they were being abolished from my own being.

The deities didn't speak again, but they instead returned me to the mortal plane of existence, at which I was once again able to move my head. I looked back to the visualizer and realized that I was in the middle of the worlds: the spirit realm and reality. On my left where the blanket was, I had unlocked the orb to paradise. The whole entire wall became a black, swirling vortex, with every color and shape known to man and unknown to man. I had reached paradise, which in the end, I realized resided in me all along.

As I came down from the trip, I was left with a warm feeling of peace, and I felt completely one with myself. I hope now that I have been to the spirit world and back that these deities will guide me in everything I do from here forward.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 108057
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: May 25, 2021Views: 521
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DMT (18) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Entities / Beings (37), First Times (2)

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