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Extraterrestrial Encounters
Cannabis, Blue Lotus, Passion Flower, Damiana & Ashwagandha
Citation:   Moonflower. "Extraterrestrial Encounters: An Experience with Cannabis, Blue Lotus, Passion Flower, Damiana & Ashwagandha (exp108158)". Jul 9, 2019.

0.5 oral Cannabis (edible / food)
      Damiana (tincture)
      Passion Flower (tincture)
      Ashwagandha (tincture)
      Lotus/Lily - Nymphaea nouchali var caerulea (tincture)
This morning I encountered a musical piece by the Grateful Dead called 'Drums' in Santa Clara, CA. It is a drum solo remniscent of deep jungles, tribalism and extraterrestrials. I am taken back to the strongest psychedelic experience I ever had with cannabis 3 years ago.

I was at my first music festival. It was a culture shock, to say the least. At sunset, I decided to consume 1/2 brownie and nothing more, as I was already highly sensitive to everything. I also had a handful of alchemical elixirs I was taking intermittently throughout the night. One was blue lotus, another ashwagandha, and another with a combination of blue lotus damiana and passionflower.

Night descended upon us and came alive, and as this was happening, so was my altered states of consciousness. While we were walking around, I suddenly had a strong vision: A medium slender grey alien sitting in lotus position, holding out a peace sign. He had a white cloth sarong on, and appeared to be coming out of the mists, floating there. Behind him, there was an imprint of the flower of life, which appeared to be white. And just like that he was gone. But my awe remained.

A few more hours went by, and the cannabis starting coming on strong. My anxiety started clashing with the external stimuli. I decided to go back to the tent, and my boyfriend decided to continue onward. When inside the tent, I closed my eyes. In the darkness, bright and colorful flashes of sacred geometry seared through, often changing. I was astounded. How was I was having such strong visionary experiences with so little substance, and why sacred geometry?
How was I was having such strong visionary experiences with so little substance, and why sacred geometry?
I rolled along with it.

After a while, the vision changed. Suddenly, I was in a large, cubical, mechanical room, and in front of me was a different grey alien. This one had a large bulbous head and belly, with frog-like fingerpads. We gazed peacefully at each other for extended periods of time. Normally, I would be scared, but this time, I was not. I felt a telepathic connection with this being. We were studying eachother. We did not judge, but gazed in wonder, curiosity, love and respect at how the universe molded and shaped us the way it did in different areas, but from the same source. We continued eyegazing for a while, to a point of relaxing and gazing out through eachother's eyes.

My vision changed. This time, I was in a microperspective, in a holographic sphere at the end of the grey's left hand, which was hanging over it's armrest. In this sphere were holographic slides, each with different snapshots of scenery. These were the worlds of these beings. Sunsets, mountains, wildlife, etc. The being trilled his fingers, and as he did the slides rotated around. At one point he stopped, and placed his finger inside the slide. The slide expanded out into a larger rectangle, and then my vision faded out.

Then, I was standing in a lush rainforest of a jungle. There were exotic cliff-facings protruding out everywhere around me, with waterfalls everywhere, streams and mists abound. I was standing on a secluded piece of rock, where I encountered large stone slabs arranged in a circle. They had rounded, spirally hieroglyphs engraved into them. Then, these tall, slender extraterrestrial monks in robes came forth. They had similar glyphic writings on them, which seemed to glow. They were praying. I was not in the circle with them, but from the outside looking in. This was a holy place. Very ancient but very important to them.

It was around then my boyfriend came back to check on me. My consciousness shifted back more into the natural world. I sat in meditation for a bit longer, trying to grasp onto whatever remains I could. I was exhillarated. Some following visions came through, but they seemed more self created at this point. I did get a large impression of jungly-mists though. And that although they had highly advanced technologies, they were also deeply connected to the primordial roots of their environment.

For the rest of the night I fantasized of meeting them in person one day, and they were just waiting for the right time to come through.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 108158
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 939
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Cannabis (1) : Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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