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by Long
Citation:   Long. "Re-realize: An Experience with 1P-LSD (exp108177)". Apr 13, 2016.

  oral 1P-LSD
This is the first time that I tried to purchase a RC (from a UK vendor) and tried 1P-LSD. Prior to this experience, I have tried LSD*, cactus and mushroom once each.

On a Friday night, roommate checked the mailbox and found my package was here. I then decided to take the 1P LSD at 11. Note that roommate and I were watching daredevil after dinner. Also, I usually go to bed around 3-5 range.

11:15 pm. orally take about 150 ugs of 1P LSD. Laid on a sofa, browsing the internet.
11:45. started to feel some the differences. One way to tell is that words on screen start to move like a jello shot.
12:50. I have a weird feeling that I begin to have visual and gravitation feels a bit different
From 1:25 to 3ish. My brain received massive information. It's less fun compared to my previous LSD experience since it has less visuals.
4:00ish. put on my earbuds, listen to classical music, and well thoughts still come to me; I just closed my eyes and enjoy the thought broadcast in my head in firework style.

Next morning:
I feel pretty good in general and looking forward to next trip. Playing guitar is more enjoyable also. Don't have much appetite though I don't feel bad about that.

TLDR. It's a great personal growth experience, but I would not recommend anyone doing it at night shortly before bedtime. 1P LSD has less visuals than LSD* in my experience.

The trip overall reminds me that I am the center of my own; gives me a great chance to have philosophical thoughts (Red pill mode); re-realize something I have long lost to be a human being
(sudo add-apt-repository ppa:feelings; sudo apt-get install feelings), etc.

*The LSD I got was from a friend from a friend. Hence, I don't know if that was really LSD or not.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108177
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 13, 2016Views: 2,344
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1P-LSD (682) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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