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Alien Doctor's Appointment
Pharmahuasca (Harmaline & DMT)
Citation:   raginpages. "Alien Doctor's Appointment: An Experience with Pharmahuasca (Harmaline & DMT) (exp108200)". Jul 31, 2019.

T+ 0:00
  oral Harmaline
  T+ 1:00 3 hits vaporized DMT
This is the story of my very first DMT trip. I had been reading about it for months and really wanted to try it. I couldn’t help but try to imagine what I might experience, but there is literally no way to anticipate what DMT will decide to show you.

I had tried smoking it out of a glass vape a few times and never had any effects. I saw a few colors with my eyes closed and felt very relaxed, but that was about it. I began to think I might be intolerant somehow and I was pretty disappointed. Finally, I tried it orally with a harmaline MAOI. I took the harmaline about an hour before I drank the oral dose and then I waited.

I started to notice things that reminded me greatly of my past trips with shrooms. The ceiling was moving and I felt a lot of energy inside of my body and it was really nice. I layed with my eyes closed and watched colors fly by. I had a lot of visions of my family members
I had a lot of visions of my family members
, which is strange because that has happened before with shrooms and acid for me too. That went on for maybe 15 minutes but it wasn’t really going anywhere. I saw a few “scary” looking faces and they were contorting their mouths in weird ways, but I wasn’t scared for some reason.

After a while of not progressing any farther, I used the vape again to take me deeper. It is crazy how quickly it took hold of my body. I took a big hit and held it in as long as I could and by the time I exhaled, I already was leaving this world. My friend was there with me sort of facilitating the trip and he helped me take the next two hits because I couldn’t even feel my hands or my mouth. I couldn’t even tell I was inhaling until I felt myself go even deeper. The geometric patterns that I had heard so much about were even more incredible than I could have imagined. I was in absolute shock. I was trying my best to slow down my thoughts and simply observe, but it is much easier said than done. When you see things that are so different than anything you have ever experienced, it’s hard not to get caught up in thoughts and questions.

After the shapes subsided, I saw a male figure move across my vision and he had trails running behind him and he was similar to a human, but not quite. That’s as good as I can explain it unfortunately. I knew he wasn’t a human, but there was a strong sense of familiarity. Then, a beautiful female entity swam into view and I was stunned. At first glance, I thought it was me because she had very long braids and I did too at the time. I realized after getting a better look that she wasn’t me, but I felt a very strong connection to her. Maybe as if she were my sister or my mother, I’m not sure. They seemed to hover over me and they were looking at me as if they expected me to be there.

I was laying on a bed in real life, but in this other world I felt like I was on some sort of operating table. That’s when I started to get a little frightened. I wasn’t sure what they were going to do to me. For some reason, it felt like going to the dentist in a weird way. It was like I had scheduled this appointment and they knew I was coming for my usual check-up.
It was like I had scheduled this appointment and they knew I was coming for my usual check-up.
I was no longer scared because I had a strong sense that whatever they were going to do was going to help me. At one point, I felt a large amount of pressure in the left side of my neck. The male entity was putting me on my side and I’m not sure what he did, but it felt like he was sort of touching my skin and palpating different spots like I was at a doctor’s appointment. Then, I remember looking straight above and seeing this giant drill hanging over my head. I’m sure you can imagine how frightened I was. I thought they were about to crack my skull open, but they never used it. I could hear them communicating with each other and it was almost like music. It didn’t have a distinct melody though, it was like musical noise in a way.

Even though I couldn’t understand exactly what they were saying at all, it felt like I was able to understand the intentions in a telepathic way. A few different times, I felt like the woman was telling me to open my mouth. Later, my friend told me I kept yawning and I was aware of it but I know I wasn’t tired. I think I was trying to follow her commands, but I wasn’t exactly sure why she was telling me to open my mouth. I remember feeling frustrated with myself because I would not shut up. There was so much happening all at once and it felt like my thoughts were going into overdrive, which is not what I wanted. That has always been a problem of mine. I tend to overthink and scrutinize, rather than simply let go and let the experience take me where it was meant to go.

The entire trip lasted about 30 minutes. I felt happier than I ever had in my entire life when I finally came back. I felt very light and soft almost. I had the opportunity to go back, but I felt like I had seen enough for my first encounter. I wanted to think about some stuff and work on letting go so I could get more out of it the next time.

All in all, it was a really great experience and it gives me hope about how much else is out there for me to learn. I felt so unbelievably refreshed and truly happy afterwards. I also felt a very strong ball of energy in the very center of my chest. A few weeks later I was looking into chakras and made more sense of it and it meant so much to me to truly be able to feel that growing inside of me. I have so much gratitude.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108200
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jul 31, 2019Views: 1,414
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Harmaline (314), DMT (18), Pharmahuasca (822) : General (1), Entities / Beings (37), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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