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Flying on Edibles
Cannabis (brownie)
Citation:   clan_De_Mac. "Flying on Edibles: An Experience with Cannabis (brownie) (exp108217)". Apr 12, 2016.

1 slice oral Cannabis (edible / food)
Last week I woke up and immediately ate a fairly potent cannabis brownie thinking that it wouldn't hit by the time I got to the airport. Boy was I wrong. One hour later and I'm stoned off my ass attempting to make conversation with my mom on the way to the airport. She had to have known. I had planned on taking a second edible when I got to the airport but decided against it as the first one was already working its magic.

As soon as I got in the security line I felt a surge of paranoia. With the recent terrorist attack in Brussels I couldn't help but feel anxious at a major city airport. I could tell that the people around me were nervous as well. Nobody was looking each other in the eye and there was an air of uneasiness. I noticed the keen attention the TSA was giving to people of color. One elderly lady in a hijab was asked to pass through the metal detector three times before she was allowed to proceed. I felt guilty for being afraid. For giving in to the reaction of hate fueled ideologies.

As soon as I got through security I was able to relax a bit more. I got to my gate and watched passengers hurriedly walk among the airport corridors. Each person with their own complex lives crossing my path for a single fleeting moment in the form of a fellow traveler. I was the same to them.

The edible had taken full effect by the time the plane had taken off. As the plane got higher and higher, the tiny houses below got tinier and tinier. The arrangement of streets below began to resemble tree roots, branching off from one another as far as the eye could see. As we ascended above the clouds, they too began to take geometric form and seemed to have an almost Aztec-like architectural filter.

Then something peculiar happened. Something that I have not experienced even in my endeavors with the classic hallucinogens. I was watching the clouds and I could see colorful light patterns begin to define themselves against the white background. As these patterns became more evident they came together to form a bird. While the features of this bird were not clearly defined, its overall shape was. For the next 5 to 10 minutes I was flying next to this light bird that seemed to be playfully flapping in the wind. I rubbed my eyes, opened and closed them, pinched myself, did everything I could to convince myself my mind was playing tricks and still the bird persisted in my visual processes. For the first time in my life, I was having a 'hallucination' that appeared to be more than just mere sensory distortion. The bird eventually stopped in the middle of my visual view and spread its wings as if to reveal all of its glory, turned around and flew away into the distance.

I don't know what to make of this experience. On one hand, my mind is playing visual tricks when presented with the blank white space that is the clouds. However, on the other hand, this seems to fall right into the category of a true mystical experience. One thing is certain, I got more than I expected out of the edible.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108217
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: Apr 12, 2016Views: 2,657
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Cannabis (1) : Glowing Experiences (4), General (1), Large Group (10+) (19)

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