Learning to Enjoy
Codeine, Kava, Diphenhydramine & St. Johnīs Wort
Citation:   Cityhunter. "Learning to Enjoy: An Experience with Codeine, Kava, Diphenhydramine & St. Johnīs Wort (exp10834)". Erowid.org. Feb 24, 2007. erowid.org/exp/10834

90 mg oral Codeine (extract)
  50 mg oral Diphenhydramine (pill / tablet)
      St. John's Wort  
  10 g oral Kava (tea)
Codeine 90 mg, diphenhydramin 50 mg, st. Johnīs wort and kava kava (10 gm tea)

For the past 6 months I have been experimenting with codeine at rather low doses. I am getting quite good at extracting it from tablets containing 10 mg codeine and 500 mg parasetamol (or acidaminophen as you call it), I think Iīm getting about 80-90% extracted and I have had to practice quite alot. I was in Greenland a few months ago and there you can buy painkillers with codeine without any trouble, as much as you like and very cheap. I never take acidaminophen if I have a headache, itīs to poisonus for my taste.

At first I didnīt feel much from the codeine taking 100-200 mg. I thought the extraction was not working. Now I think codeine is one of those drugs you have to know to enjoy, like Kava Kava. So be patient. I think I had to take it 20 or 30 times before I learned to enjoy it and even recognize it.

Last weekend I took about 90 mg of codeine and one tablet of diphenhydramine, I also drank some St. Johnīs Wort and Kava Kava tea. Diphenhydramine is a very potent drug and should not be taken in high doses but it has the power to potentiate opiads if taken in moderation. After about an hour I felt very sedatet, confortably numb you could say. I just sat in my living room and watched tv, the movie was Dracula 2001. I donīt really remember the film, it might be the effect of the diphenhydramine, but I felt very nice. My mouth was rather dry (probably the diphenhydranine) and when I looked in the mirror I had pinpoint pupils, I looked quite stoned. I took my bloodpressure and it was in the normal but quite alot lower than usual, my bloodpressure goes down when I take Kava Kava.

The next morning I woke up and felt quite good but rather lazy. A few weeks ago I had taken about 150 mg of codeine and then there was a blackout, I saw almost nothing because of my pinpoint pupils. I think codeine is nice but quite abusable. I plan to use it only once a week.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10834
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Feb 24, 2007Views: 15,813
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