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This Ain't Your 70s Dope
Citation:   Oldhippiechick. "This Ain't Your 70s Dope: An Experience with Cannabis (exp108361)". Oct 18, 2016.

2 hits smoked Cannabis
I live where Marijuana is now legal, and had been dabbling with purchasing in stores. I had quite a stash of different strains, and was waiting for the right setting to fully allow a good ol 70's buzz. I had not smoked for.....well, a long time if you check my age. Back in the day I would tear it up, but had not used as I got older. Now was my chance!

I told the guy behind the counter I wanted something to give me a head high buzz. Baddaboom I have an ounce of Purplekush. Sounded pretty and organic. I had a one-hit pipe and loaded it up. I took what I was told later, was an old school hit, immediately loaded again, sucked in and held it. I was good for about one minute. My hands went kinda numb and my body just s l o w l y went away from me. I told my boyfriend I was going to pass out and he laughed ...until I hit the floor. I was not unconscious, but damn close. Then the panic attack hit, and I had him help me up and walk me around like a first timer at a Dead concert. Once I got my heart rate down, I was done for. Couch locked, I am told they call it nowadays.

The moral to this story: you're never too old to have a good time, but do your research. Went back to the store and some nice kid talked to me about dose, potency, cbd’s and thc. It's gonna be fun to check out all the new stuff!

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108361
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 57
Published: Oct 18, 2016Views: 2,060
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Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Overdose (29), Health Problems (27), General (1)

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