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During and After Effects
by Kjug
Citation:   Kjug. "During and After Effects: An Experience with MDMA (exp108515)". Nov 13, 2019.

3 - 4 tablets oral MDMA
My experience with x was amazing while high, but not so amazing with the come down!

I had woke up from a night of partying, hung over, thinking it was going to be a good idea to pop a few pills. I had tried x about 7 years prior to this experience, but I had forgotten how good it felt. In hindsight, I should have thought about the fact that the down side of x makes me feel hungover and feel like shit, so my come down was extreme, since I was already hungover to begin with! I piggybacked (repeatedly took pill after pill to stay high) the last two times I did x. I also did not even wait a week between uses, which in my opinion and experience, made the second high not as pleasant as the one before. I've heard of people needing to wait a few months between sessions, so I think I'll try that!

I'm on my day and a half after, as I'm writing this. I feel awful and useless!
I'm on my day and a half after, as I'm writing this. I feel awful and useless!
Head spinning, very nauseated, stomach and chest is tight, I have random spurts of light headedness and feel like I'm going to pass out, heart will randomly start beating fast, and it's hard to concentrate. Attempting to keep my head on straight is quite a chore! Although this part sucks, it usually only lasts a few days for me. The highs are so amazing, it almost seems worth it to go through the rough come down. The highs are like nothing I have ever felt before, everything and everyone is beautiful! My favorite part of it is the heightened sense of touch; literally, everything feels twenty times better than normal. (I pet a pillow for an hour and a half because the stitched letters felt immaculate!) Music sounds wonderful, the bass in a car ride was one of the best feelings on x, as well. When asked how I felt when I was rolling, I just kept saying how amazing everything was. After I was back to normal, the only way for me to explain the feeling was to refer to the movie Happy Gilmore, when he finds his happy place. Well, I'm in my happy place, while rolling.

Before I ever took x for the first time, I was told when you have sexual experiences while high, it pretty much ruins it for you when you are sober; so the first few times I did x, I steered clear of any sexual acts. (I wasn't ok with the thought of not liking sex when not on x). These last two times, I was with my boyfriend, the first time he did not take it with me and the second time, he did. When it was just me on it, I kept getting irritated with him because he couldn't feel what I felt and I kept trying to get him to understand how it was. Regardless if he could feel like I did or not, he still performed oral on me for quite awhile. I never thought my lady parts could feel THAT good! Needless to say, x makes me very horny, and for a female that already loves having oral sex preformed on her, it made it a million times better. While we were both on it this last time, we fucked for 5 hours straight. We took them around 230ish am, got home at 3am, and didn't go to sleep till 830am. In fact, I didn't go to sleep at all. Me sleeping on x, for some reason, has never happened. My boyfriend fell asleep with no problems. All experiences may just be different.

Sex has not been ruined, nor has oral sex.
Sex has not been ruined, nor has oral sex.
I still love it as I did before, only thing is when we start to do stuff now, I wish I was high just for that feeling. But, by no means, did it ruin it for me. The worst part of the experience is feeling sick to my stomach for days after. I also can't eat the day of or for 2 or so days after rolling, my appetite is gone, and when I finally do eat, it's hard for me to keep it down. Once all that goes away within 5 days (give or take), I feel pretty much back to normal. When the come down first hits, I swear up and down I'll never do it again, but when it's around me or offered to me, it maybe takes me half a second for me to make the decision.

I will say that I am not a touchy person but x makes me want to love everyone and even high, I know what I'm doing when I'm touching people, and it freaks me out. So, I like to roll only around a few trusted people, not big crowds. Just my personal preference. I'll continue rolling off and on. But never will I do it on a regular basis! 😊

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108515
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Nov 13, 2019Views: 767
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MDMA (3) : Sex Discussion (14), Hangover / Days After (46), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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