Straight Lines Are a Myth
Morning Glory
Citation:   BlackguyfromWY. "Straight Lines Are a Myth: An Experience with Morning Glory (exp108532)". Mar 2, 2022.

200 - 225 seeds oral Morning Glory  
    oral Dimenhydrinate (pill / tablet)
This is the story of my first ever trip on any substance.

It really started out as me sitting in health class on day where we were learning about drugs. I was assigned a project on LSD and researching it. I thought to myself 'woah, too bad this is illegal', normally the legality of a substance wouldn't stop me but I had recently gotten into some trouble over other issues so I need to lay low. So after a quick search I ran into Morning Glory seeds and the compound LSA. I bought 3000 the next day under the pretense of gardening. A week later my seeds were in and I planted three of them (as to not draw attention to myself) then I counted out 200 and started sprinkling them onto chocolate ice cream. It was literally tasteless with the ice cream, one would just have to make sure to chew the seeds into a fine dust. Over the course of 1/2 an hour I finished the seeds. After that I was just popping one or two into my mouth at a time and chewing. I must have had any where from 15-25 extra seeds then I had initially wanted but that's just semantics.

Not an hour had gone by and things were looking like they were growing and shrinking. It was like waves of effects. Like for 10 mins I would know for a fact I was seeing distortions of reality but then for 20 mins I would be like 'woah what just happened'.
I spend the next two hours like this but it was more intense every time.

By three hours, the universe made sense. Everything made sense. The room was moving in the way one would expect a sail boat to move in the high seas. Swaying violently back and forth. When I went to go look at the windows I had to make a serious effort to stay on my feet but after a lifetime I got to the window and saw what I would see if I were to turn the pages of a flip book just slow enough to see change but not fast enough for it to be one image. Then I FaceTimed my girlfriend and she started to sing in the shower. I broke down in tears because it sounded like a choir of angels sent straight from God had started to sing. Then I fell asleep.

The next day was hell on earth. Felt like I needed to throw up so I went to the bathroom locked the door and attempted to make myself throw up but I couldn't. Getting up to go to the shower I passed out and I remember that I saw the American flag in the back of my eyes. When I came to my senses I got into the shower and turned on the water and sat under it for what felt like forever inside my own mind half asleep and half awake. Then I got dressed and drove to class.

I felt like I had been hit in the gut with a sludge hammer. So I stopped at a shop and bought 8 Dramamine. Took like 3 of those to deal with the motion sickness and it helped so greatly it literally saved me from throwing up at least 4 times.

When I went to the bathroom between classes the tiles were like a still pond and every step left ripples. By the end of the day I only felt mildly sick, similar to that of a minor hangover.

Overall experience: 7/10 might try again

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108532
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Mar 2, 2022Views: 480
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Morning Glory (38) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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