Creator of the Universe
Citation:   xLiquid Firex. "Creator of the Universe: An Experience with LSD & MDMA (exp108631)". Oct 6, 2022.

T+ 0:00
200 ug oral LSD
  T+ 2:30 0.5 tablets oral MDMA
  T+ 2:50 0.5 tablets oral MDMA
  T+ 16:00 7.5 mg oral Pharms - Zopiclone
I dropped 200ug of acid and waited for the effects to kick in. My plan was to take the ecstasy at 12:00 so that I could aim to have both the substances leaving my body about the same time. Around 90 minutes in I begin to feel weightless which is a lot faster than has happened in previous trips. I decide to slip on 2001: A Space Odyssey a little earlier just in case as I've heard this is a good movie to trip to and didn't want to be peaking during it as I never know how long it will take 'E' to kick in.

Movie is on but I didn't get past the first 45 minutes, the visuals were coming on so strong I couldn't concentrate, the landscapes started changing color and the part with the spaceship with the white halls and pink furniture just merged into endless hallways going on for eternity ever changing like a labyrinth. This surprised me, I've taken LSD before and managed to sit through 2 movies in succession, I even came out of Tomorrowland thinking I was Hugh Laurie but I never once felt the need to pull myself away from the screen. I think this might have something to do with Ayahuasca, I've heard once you drink that it can make you sensitive to other psychedelics. Despite this a fit of the giggles came about when the monkeys were drinking from their little dirty oasis at the dawn of man scene. Other users will know how incredulously funny the most simple of things can be. Just the leader of the pack sitting up and letting out a roar had convinced me someone had shat in the fountain of youth and he wasn't happy. Then I was comparing the other pack of monkeys turning up with the uninvited family member that always seems to appear when you least want them to. When the fight breaks out and the uninvited guest goes down in the most lackluster way imaginable, all the other monkeys at the oasis were taking it in turns beating him in the most hilarious fashion with a stick. I was laughing out loud. I had never seen anything more glorious as when the monkey creates a weapon from a skeletal carcass, waving it in the air with a beautiful backdrop of sky as he roars in triumph. I saw this as a real revolutionary moment for mankind in the purest of ways.

I'm downstairs on the sofa taking it all in. Room going from big to small. For the first time objects started merging into each other. I know at some points I was unaware of any feeling in my body or in what way I was aligned with gravity. Facing a side of the room I recognize but don't know the direction of. This happened upstairs also. Very hard to explain; that psychedelic chime of music that resonates whenever this happens is like another intelligence is letting me know its about to take me on a trip that only it will decide the direction of and I have no choice in the matter. It teases me... Lets me squirm, its always hard never knowing on the come up just how well it may or may not treat me. At this point I decide to take ecstasy an hour earlier.

With some effort I swallow half a pill before cutting another one in half and creating somewhat a powdery mess. As I look around I realize in my cartoon like vision I had left a trail of evidence all over the kitchen and that my shenanigans would be known to everyone in the house. Red on the fridge, red on the counter, the sink and tea towel as well as all over my hands. I retreat not knowing how to resolve the situation... There's me and my immediate danger to being outed. I felt like my recreational activities had betrayed me. I still had the knife in my hand walking about the house feeling invisible and that if anyone saw me they would see the knife behind my back and instantly know my entire life's secrets. Instead of coming to the simple conclusion of putting the knife back and hiding the pill for later I decided 20 minutes on after intense internal debate and panicking that I should just eat it now instead. I gobbled the tablet and threw the knife behind a curtain. Which I now realize in a way was a veil... The curtain representing a mask each and every one of us puts on each day for the world to see. As long as it was hidden there no body could see through my mask. I laid down and let my mind continue the ride.

It was at this point I was thinking the ecstasy might have kicked in. I was having a strange clash of the senses I was thinking it was down to the combination so I turned on some music. Specifically Tiago benzinho - New Zealand and boy it had! I couldn't contain the new found love of music. I began to dance...


I turned into what you could imagine as a mad scientist in the cartoons! My hair being ruffled from lazing about and a crazed look on my face as I'm on the verge of discovering something that hasn't been discovered or invented before my arms were outstretched with the music. I was looking both to one side of me and the other at both arms just..... Creating.... With my fingers and hands. The visuals at this point were INTENSE all around me I was inside of them and outside of them at the same time. Merged with the build of of the music I was an unstoppable machine of creativity. I couldn't stop moving. Right as the drums crash in about a minute into the song I closed my eyes. I have 360 vision!!! I'm looking all about me I'm building with my imagination more things technologically advanced than anyone can ever imagine. I build it up with all manner of colors that aren't visible to our human senses and I break it down only to rebuild into something just as beautiful and astonishing.

At this point I'm aware I'm a black shadow of a person it's like it's telling me this is what being human means, to create... The impossible is within you, discover and breakthrough your own identified realms of impossibility. Still looking everywhere manically as I'm engulfed in my inner mind. I've never seen anything so beautiful in my life. I look down to my lower hand palm up willing to life all manner of invention and beauty and it comes! I look to my other hand palm up outstretched but higher pointed at the air, more creativity!! I hadn't seen any of these things before. Objects 'things' that didn't exist that I was willing to formation with my life. Ribbons of new material sprouting from my arms intertwining with my creations. I repeated to look to both hands in succession willing new formations of astonishment and I delivered! I wasn't progressively creating bigger and better.... I wasn't despite my growing elation. This is a very poor westernized mentality. What I was doing was creating more creativity and beauty on top of more creativity and beauty. Nothing was there to impress or overcome. It was existing for the sheer joy of being and I was apart of it. I had willed it into existence and I had never expected to be able to do anything like this. I didn't think it was possible. NEVER have I experienced anything like this.

I took a moment to just stand still outstretched with my eyes closed swaying becoming one with the music, I had multiple universes in each hand another between my two arms and had more all around me...
I took a moment to just stand still outstretched with my eyes closed swaying becoming one with the music, I had multiple universes in each hand another between my two arms and had more all around me...
I was engulfed even more so with ever changing color and creation. As I swayed I looked down with my eyes closed to see my body had become a fabrication of ever changing lights in space. Nothing I can explain will describe it. I danced and I danced, to more songs. Being unable to think clearly in the fog of LSD. I was mostly stuck with what youtube was recommending me in related links. Rocking out to 'limp bizkit - my way' was a different experience replacing my inner mad scientist with rock god was definitely something I hoped to achieve pre-trip.

1:00pm (Possibly)
Mixing substances isn't something I had done before. The last time I took this dose of E I had known it was too much but my memories of pure euphoria took over the others. I had forgotten the stress it put the heart through. I had this about an hour in. My little 3D heart was about to burst out of my 2D body. I could feel the shape of my heart as if I was holding it with both hands. The panic from the E mixed with paranoia from the LSD put me into a serious 'fuck I'm going to keel over and die' mentally. I shut everything off and got downstairs, lay down and waited for the imminent pending doom to occur, but I wasn't afraid, I was in pure bliss. Not long after I had relaxed and was fine again. Went back to having the time of my life. I think sometimes substances can enhance each other. I'm going to be more aware of that the next time I try anything like this.

Aside from the panic of death my body had become very hot, I was very conscious of this but it slowly begun to cool down. Other parts of my trip... I don't quite remember... All I remember was it was the time of my fucking life. Me and my creation. By this point the only thing left was the come down of the lingering LSD. I was... Awestruck I must have spent 6 hours just sat repeating to myself out loud lines like
'Jesus Christ...'
'what was that!'
'fucking hell'
'What WAS that!'

At some point during those 6 hours I had major nostalgia like it had happened before, It was someplace I was returning to that I had forgotten about. You can't bring back all you learn on psychedelic trips. It's not meant to be. That accounts for my amnesia but something was tickling my mind... This hangover... I've had it before this isn't the first party me and the universe had thrown. The hangover triggered something.

With the Ecstasy diminished now came the remainder of the LSD. The funny, illogical, senseless feelings of pure idiocy mixed with sheer brilliance, resolution and problem solving all rolled into one. I remembered creating the universe and I had decided to throw the party of all party's the best party of the universes anyone being or thing had ever seen. NOBODY showed up. It was just me and my creation and it was the same back then as I remember now... Neither of us had a clue or any recollection of the event itself all we remember was it was the best thing that had ever happened to us and we had the exact same amnesia like foggy hangover. At this point... Me and my creation had that simultaneous thought... 'if I'm here and your here, who's driving?' and at that moment that same chime of music sounded and the 'intelligence' of the psychedelic pulled that neither friend nor foe expression (somewhat telepathically) and that my friends is how the BIG BANG! Happened, we don't have a clue ourselves. At this point I was thrown out into the distant ether among all my creativity with no way of getting back. I'm stuck here. Forever. Maybe its my mission to get back there to continue to create and build. Maybe the universe like an AI had decided it was able to continue the mission without me and booted me out of my own laboratory of the mind. Who knows. All I know is I achieved something with the mind nobody on this planet has achieved in physical form. I will cherish what I can remember from that experience for as long as I live or for unfortunately, as long as I can remember...

I'm not feeling tired or hungry in the slightest, I had hardly eaten anything all day and at this point I take 7.5mg zopiclone. I hadn't taken this before and was surprised to feel no effect from it. I drifted off to sleep very soon and didn't wake up in a zombified state. VERY good sleep medication, didn't have me waking up in a zombie like state that other benzo medications have me doing.

In conclusion:
Never will I be taking 255mg ecstasy in one go again. The panic from it mixed with the paranoia of LSD is just too intense.. FAR too intense. The added heartache for several hours after just isn't fun. However candy flipping is an astounding thing.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108631
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: Oct 6, 2022Views: 856
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LSD (2), MDMA (3) : Glowing Experiences (4), Music Discussion (22), Combinations (3), Alone (16)

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