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Good Vibes
Citation:   KuroTenshi. "Good Vibes: An Experience with LSD (exp108643)". May 29, 2020.

2 hits oral LSD
2nd LSD Trip - Good Vibes

Disclaimer: This is written purely from a spiritual/psychological standpoint. The views written are solely expressed by myself and are being written for a personal scientific test.

I am finally home with the 3 hits of real LSD that my roommate and I have been trying to get for some time. We will call the person 'J'. J has never tripped before on any substance. This will be J's first time ever getting to try a psychedelic.

I'm a little more experienced. 4 times of shrooms, 1 time of LSD, a few times with MDMA/MDA and a single time of taking a RC. I'm not sure what RC it was as it was sold to me as LSD.

7:15pm - EST

We both consume our hits. I take 2 and J takes 1 as its J's first time.

7:45 - EST

I start to feel a slightly warm/glow feeling. J seems to be normal with no real effects yet.

8:30pm - EST

I start to feel the come up. J is already lightly tripping. I feel relaxed, almost euphoric. I start to notice subtle change in my vision. We are in my car in the drive way listening to music. I am watching as the shadows from plants start circling and waving around. The shadows waves start to match the rhythm of the music as they continue spinning and cycling around. The roses on my rose bush start to move side to side as if being blown by and invisible wind on this warm spring night.

9:00pm - EST

I am full into my trip now and J is smiling at everything. Some friends come over and start talking about possibly wanting to do a beer run. I'm too busy enjoying my trip to pay them much attention. My garage door is now breathing in and out. I start to fall into a state of introspection.

9:30pm - EST

I have spent what feels like 2 hours contemplating life and the world. How we live. How we treat each other. The way money and greed control society and how we rate each other. Do I have this nice a car? This big a house? This much cash in my pocket? Its all a lie. We are all connected. We are all one but we have forcibly disconnected ourselves from the world and true life around us. Now I'm pulled out of my thoughts only to realize its only been 30 minutes!!!!

I go on a quest to my room to search for my light toy. I want to experience the change in lights while under the influence of the effects of LSD. So I spend the next 30 minutes playing with the lights.

10:00pm - EST

My arms have grown tired from spinning lights. So for a while I turn them off and start to talk with my friends who were there. I walk inside my house to retrieve my wallet as I now realize we never went to get the beer they wanted. I drive them roughly a mile to the closest store. (DO NOT OPERATE MACHINERY/CARS/TRUCKS/ANYTHING WHILE UNDER THE INFLUENCE!!!!)

I do not condone driving while under the influence but as I had two sober people to watch me go less than a mile I felt safe enough in the moment to make the journey. The store turned out to be closed and we made a quick turn around to go straight back home.

11L00pm-2:00am - EST

I do a lot of introspective thinking and overall pay little attention to those around me. I'm still watching as the trees wave and garage breathes at me. I feel so connected and enlightened. The glow and feelings are wonderful! I never wish for the feeling to stop! Of course I know it will.

2:00am-6:00am - EST

I start to plateau slowly around 2. I start to have the off and on that's associated often with LSD trips. The feeling that you arent tripping that much anymore and then back to tripping about as hard as you were near peak. Over and over until about 6:00am.

6:30am-7:00am - EST

I start to feel completely sober again. I decide to go take a nap before I have to take my spouse to work. Overall I had an amazing experience. Will be getting more when possible.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108643
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 24
Published: May 29, 2020Views: 542
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LSD (2) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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