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IV Opinion
Citation:   kraysean. "IV Opinion: An Experience with Methylphenidate (exp108647)". May 18, 2021.

  IV Pharms - Methylphenidate (liquid)
[Erowid Note: Intravenous (IV) injection of crushed pills/tablets can be very dangerous due to unknown substances, binders, and fillers present. Any substance injected directly into the blood stream should be very pure. Clean needles and medically appropriate techniques should be used to avoid serious injury or death.]
Like most drugs, iv use carries the risk of death or blood diseases, I start off small and use sterile equipment. I intend to describe my experience(s) with iv methylphenidate. To give you some idea of my prior drug use I will say I am a daily cannabis smoker, and regularly use cocaine via iv route. This has been going on since I went to rehab for iv heroin use, which I have mainly stopped doing. I have been enjoying that ill rush from iv coke/meth lately so I figured I would try shooting one of my sisters 20mg methylphenidate pills. Note that these are the instant release pills. Oh yeah and I have done pretty much every drug out there and done it to the max so I have plenty to compare iv methylphenidate to and I can say it is one of my favorite things to do.

The process: I split the pill into quarters and put in spoon. I squirt 100 units of water on it and mix it up. The quarters break down pretty well although crushing may be necessary depending on water temp etc. I then apply flame under the spoon and heat until it almost boils but not quite. I roll up cotton off the end of a q tip tightly and draw up the solution. If I do it right I get 90 units back and it is clear. This is enough to feel it for your first time although I sometimes squirt my made up-ready to go in-arm shot onto another pill and repeat the process for a 40 mg shot. Doing it this way is most efficient. 40 mg is what I consider a damn good shot. Heart increase, lights brighter, instantly feel great, no 'bell ringer' but I definitely consider it a rush. I have done 60 mg in a shot once which was the most I would want at once I would consider it a 8 of 10.The high lasts much longer than iv coke but still begins wearing off after 45 minutes or so leaving me wanting more but not as bad as when coke wears off. I would describe iv methylphenidate as very similar to iv cocaine and personally would rate iv cocaine a 9 out of ten on my scale of favorite drugs and iv methylphenidate an 8. Hope this helps someone!

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108647
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 20
Published: May 18, 2021Views: 1,364
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Pharms - Methylphenidate (114) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Glowing Experiences (4), Personal Preparation (45), Various (28)

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