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Losing Touch With Reality
Citation:   IDontKnowAnymore. "Losing Touch With Reality: An Experience with LSD (exp108662)". Erowid.org. Apr 17, 2017. erowid.org/exp/108662

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
This experience happened about 4 months ago. I had only tripped on LSD twice, both times around 2 tabs worth, so I was still pretty inexperienced with psychedelics at the time. My roommate on the other hand has dropped dozens of times with absurd amounts. I believe the most he took at one time was around 1400ug. I'll refer to him as M. We both got a little more than we were asking for.

It was a Monday night at my home and my roommate had picked up some LSD tabs from a pretty reliable source. He cut roughly 3/4 of a tab and tested it with a reagent kit to ensure it was legitimate, and then ate it. He asked if I wanted a tab, and I said no at first as it was a Monday night and I had classes the next day. After about 20 minutes, I thought about it again and decided to take it, since I wasn't sure when the next time I was going to have an opportunity to drop again.

Both me and my roommate sat in the living room waiting for the come-up. Maybe 20 minutes after taking the tab, M looks at me and says “I've never tripped so hard in my life!”. At first I thought he was joking. He hadn't even taken a full tab, and I assumed it probably lost a lot of potency with the reagent kit. He then goes into his room, and I turn on the song Echoes by Pink Floyd. At some point during the song, I started getting extremely intense visuals. The wrinkles in my jeans suddenly turned into a wavy ocean. I was both amazed by how a substance could do something like that, but also fucking terrified. I only had gotten tracers and some mild movement on my 2 previous acid trips. The music was able to keep me calm for a while, as it is my favorite song of all time. If you've ever heard echoes, you'd know that it gets extremely dark right in the middle for about 4 minutes. This is when things started to get really crazy. The whole room went dark and began changing shapes; the walls were warping and I started trying to hold on to anything that I could use as a reference to real life.

I eventually had enough intellect to turn the song off.
I eventually had enough intellect to turn the song off.
At that point the vibe became a lot brighter, but not any less intense. I eventually went to my roommate's room hoping that some company would help me keep some sort of grip on reality, but it really didn't help at all. Every time I looked at him, I saw dozens of rainbow fractal versions of his face, but they weren't really visual. It's almost like I was halfway in my head dreaming about this, but still seeing it at the same time.

I then lost touch with reality completely. I have no idea how far in the trip this occurred, as I had the thought process of a 2 year old at that point. If I wanted to fly to another part of the room, I could do it. I would be lying on the couch, but in my mind it was an extremely vivid feeling of flying to the other part of the room. My thoughts and imagination were differentiable. I honestly thought I permanently went insane.

I started to finally get a grip on reality again after some time. I started remembering things from my physics class, and I knew that laws of physics can only exist in the physical world. At first, I lifted my hand up and let gravity take it down. I slowly started to establish what was real and what wasn't real. I started feeling the couch, recognizing that it was a physical thing and not something I made up in my head. This went on for a while until I was completely grounded again. I still had intense visuals, such as seeing shifting in brick walls and objects warping, and this actually went on through the next day. M said the same thing as well.

I've tripped multiple times after this, with my highest dose being ~350ug, and that trip didn't even come close to the intensity of this one. I asked other people that had taken the same batch, and they all had similar experiences from just 1 tab. Moral of the story- don't underestimate 1 tab. It could be VERY overlaid.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108662
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 17, 2017Views: 1,818
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