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An Intravenous Trip
4-HO-DPT & 4-AcO-DMT
Citation:   Unholybeezy. "An Intravenous Trip: An Experience with 4-HO-DPT & 4-AcO-DMT (exp108790)". Jun 17, 2021.

15 mg IV 4-HO-DPT
  15 mg IV 4-AcO-DMT
[Erowid Note: Isopropyl alcohol is not designed for human internal ingestion and should be avoided whenever possible except for cleaning and external uses. Ethyl (drinking) alcohol should be used whenever possible for solutions that will be ingested.]
15mg 4 HO DPT
15mg 4 ACO DMT


Weigh out both powders. Dump into glass vial.

.25mL  isopropyl alcohol
1mL     purified water

I used a 3mL luer lock syringe to draw them up.

Use torch to heat indirectly. (Butane works great)
Bring to a simmer.
Remove heat.
Repeat to powder is completely mixed. Should look clear but with a brownish tint when I'm done.
Let cool for a few minutes.
Filter with cotton for extra measure even though there shouldn't be any chunks.
Draw it up.

Method: IV

Time: 17:00


Before the plunger gets to half way I start to feel my spirit is being pulled from my body. I muster up the will power to slam the rest of it  in my vein.

I then realized slamming it was a horrible decision. The swiftness of my spirit being pulled, made me start get sick to my stomach.
The swiftness of my spirit being pulled, made me start get sick to my stomach.

Within seconds at least 3 maybe more 'spirits' came to help me, straight out of the walls. These 'spirits' were humanoid in shape, bright but outlined in shadow. They said, '[name], sit up and breathe...just breathe...we are here with you. We are always with you.'

As I took slow,  deep breaths, I closed my eyes and felt a great euphoria and could not help but smile. I opened my eyes and without a word the 'spirits' drifted back into the walls. And my sickness completely passed, I was alive!

With a smile on my face, I cleaned up the trash. Sharps in sharps container. I picked up my phone and as the screen lit up it sent visible energy through my arm and out through the air in the form of a blue lightning patterns.

The 4-AcO-DPT for me, always manifests itself in the form of electrical energy and multi colored diamond outline of every angle of every thing. And the 4-AcO-DMT for me, always causes such great mental clarity and I see very earthy textures crawling, always crawling. The two combined is really something!

I found some tunes on my phone, and enjoyed the colors and patterns on my wall. CEV were also very intense and changed to the beat of the music. After listening to music for about 45 minutes I found I could use my legs again and went for a walk around the block right at sunset. Beautiful shades of every color and looked as if the sky was an oil painting. I returned home and made a fire in the fire pit in my backyard and enjoyed the fading visuals.

The overall experience lasted 2.5-3 hours via IV. After the 3 hour mark/20:00 there was a pleasant afterglow effect to everything. I had no trouble sleeping that night.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108790
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Jun 17, 2021Views: 1,084
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4-HO-DPT (608), 4-AcO-DMT (387) : Alone (16), Glowing Experiences (4), Preparation / Recipes (30), Combinations (3)

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