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The Cocoon
Salvia divinorum
Citation:   Stickers. "The Cocoon: An Experience with Salvia divinorum (exp108852)". Nov 10, 2020.

1 bowl smoked Salvia divinorum (dried)
I acquired 10 grams of plain, salvia divinorum leaves at a headshop for 10 euros. The smell of these dried leaves is very pleasant, somewhat minty but still unique. The following is not my first experience with salvia. The first time left me confused wether or not I felt something, so I won’t bother explaining it.

That evening, I went to a friend’s house as he was interested in trying salvia. We were alone, and I was feeling good/normal. I went first and packed the bong (that I had brought as well) with half a gram of plain salvia leaves that I had shredded beforehand. I needed to take 3 big hits to finish the bowl, and every time I would hold the smoke in my lungs for 20 to 30 seconds approximately. Soon enough I began to feel it…

It felt like I began to ‘retreat’ in myself (think of an imaginary and comfy cocoon in the middle of your body that you would nestle in to). It became hard to move like I couldn’t make any connection anymore with my physical self. My eyes would slowly close, I really couldn’t/did not want to resist. What I was thinking about, how I was feeling, etc during those minutes is impossible for me to remember. I just know that I was living something strange/remarkable. I wrote down in my journal that I had mild CEV’s, but even that I don’t remember. The best way to describe the experience: it felt like I had been shut down and restarted again, like a computer.

The ‘real’ experience lasted 5 to 10, maximum 15 minutes and after that, I really wanted to stand up and move a bit. The salvia made me really warm, I took my shirt off as it was really hot (in my opinion of the moment). At first I was a little bit out of balance (like after a couple beers). Then came something really interesting, in my opinion. After the ‘cocoon/shut down and restart’ period, my body felt amazingly fresh, like it was the first time I would use it. I really felt brand new, like I was born a 2nd time. Mentally I felt fresh, but more in the way that a bear would feel like after hibernation.

What I’ve learned from this experience? To really enjoy salvia, focus should be optimal. Taking away all distractions: noises, bright light, etc… Even daylight if I can. My friend interrupted me at the end of the cocoon period as he couldn’t wait to try it, what kind of killed that period. Snapping out of the experience goes really quick and easy when something/someone disturbs me.

All in all it was definitely interesting.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108852
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Nov 10, 2020Views: 502
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Salvia divinorum (44) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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