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Caution With Everyday Use
Citation:   Im_back. "Caution With Everyday Use: An Experience with Methoxphenidine (exp108902)". Jul 27, 2016.

    Methoxphenidine (daily)
The aim of this report is to warn about this research chemical, based on my personal experience.

Some notes:

My metabolism isn't really fast, nor really slow, but it's possible because I need significantly higher doses (x1,5-x2 the 'normal' ones) when using DXM and opiates. (I need 600 mg of DXM for a 2 plateau and never got to a 3 one, even on 1200)

I loved DXM since the second time I tried it (first one was 300 mg, and I was completely sober, while the second time I got to a 2 plateau with 600 mg).

I loved MXP since the first time I tried it.

What happened:

After using the substance through various ROAs letting days pass between one time and the next one (weighing the dose and slowly increasing it, to 'get to know' the substance), I started using MXP daily, and went through 1,2 grams in a week (weighed at the end of the binge). The effects didn't seem to get significantly weaker because of tolerance.

After that week I noticed that I was seriously impaired cognitively
After that week I noticed that I was seriously impaired cognitively
(my short-term memory in particular, but also everything else) and that I was suffering from strong depersonalization and derealization. I didn't feel like anything existed at all, I wasn't sure about my own existence, and about who I was (I felt like I had no personality, but I knew my name, my age, etc.). Everything seemed fake, and I started having intrusive thoughts. I had to study but didn't feel like doing it and couldn't concentrate, nor memorize.

This lasted for half a week after I completely stopped using any drug to get back in touch with reality. During those days I had no will about anything at all, and found no pleasure in stuff I usually like to do. I passed most of my time in my bed, without even thinking or reading or doing anything, just being alive, moving when I started to feel uncomfortable or getting aches because of staying too long in the same position.

It slowly faded away, after 3 days my memory improved, I had my own will, and after a week I could enjoy stuff again.

I don't think it had any significant toxic effect on my brain cells, it was a psychological problem, or maybe it built up in my system until I stopped it. It could be just me, everybody's different, but I would advise caution with dissociative RCs. Don't use them too often.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108902
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 27, 2016Views: 2,893
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Methoxphenidine (629) : Hangover / Days After (46), Health Benefits (32), Unknown Context (20)

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