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Opposite Effects
Citation:   poeticdude. "Opposite Effects: An Experience with Adrafinil (exp108948)". Jun 24, 2020.

295 mg oral Adrafinil (powder / crystals)
Nootropic journal entryTitle: Experienced opposite effects

First time taking Adrafinil.

Precursor notes:
Don't let the timestamps fool you. My schedule has always been out of wack. Sleeping has never been correct in my life. Probably due to my job or other reasons. I've never been diagnosed with a sleeping disability however I've never even gone to the doctor about such... Or anything for that matter. I avoid hospitals like the plague. The last time I went to a checkup was over 12 years ago (not counting the ER for stitches).

Additionally, my schedule can flip on a dime (the following week) if I stay awake for 2 consecutive days; which isn't uncommon. I stay awake for very long durations quite often actually. It's possible that I'm an insomniac and I only fall asleep when my body is completed drained of energy, forcing itself to shut off. My schedule doesn't really affect my daily performance, as I'm a software engineer/developer. I've found very amazing people to work with that accepts this and we find ways to manage and work around it. I'm super thankful for that! I do think my schedule affects my mood and even social constructs - for better or worse. It might even be the cause of being slightly depressive.

This particular day, I was nearing my 'bed time' which is about 6:00am. The night before, got a full 11 hours of sleep. I wanted to try to stay awake to get some work done. I was particularly tired today (all day), even though nothing unusual was taking place. I went about my business as usual.

Dosage: 295mg of Adrafinil powder mixed into (1) room temperature 16.09 FL OZ bottle of water.
Time is 4:05am
Notes (at time of taking):
Doesn't appear to be completely water soluble. Left some 'gringy' tasting sand-like things behind. Not unsimilar to Alpha-GPC.

Slightly tired, bored and stressed/overwhelmed due to work demands. Heart rate at time of taking this was 81 bpm after walking from hallway (about 10ft), calming to 77. Heart rate is usually in the 60's. Unsure of what my heart-rate was prior to this as I wasn't keeping track. Taste is slightly bitter to the tongue, not overwhelmingly so like Noopept however.

Watching 'Stone Sour - Looking Glass' official music video on YouTube. Feeling a calming, relaxing, and a bit of clarity. Somewhat positively charged. Upbeat even. With the music playing, motivates me to work.

Over the past few moments; energy took a dramatic turn. Feeling fairly tired now. Almost as if ready to pass out.
Heart rate: 74 bpm, 69, 71, following the pattern of ~70 - ~75 bpm
I have to admit that music seems more pronounced. At first I thought it might of been because I don't listen very often; however the chords, keys, tunes seem to be more vibrant and noticable.

Think I'm going to bed. Too tired to carry on. Heart rate is 78 bpm. Hopefully low enough for me to fall asleep.

Fell asleep fairly quickly which is highly unusual. It's not uncommon for me to lay there for an hour or more.

Had some very vivid dreams. Woke up to use restroom. Bladder felt like it was about to explode.

Woke up to use bathroom again. Same thing. Bladder felt completely full.

Bathroom use, and something else in the house woke me up. I thought to myself that although I was waking up often -
The times where I was asleep was very deep and restful. I could actually wake up right now and be completely rested and content. But decided to enjoy this extremely rare occurance of deep sleep.

Someone woke me up to ask a question. Fell back asleep within minutes.

Finally woke up for good. Feeling like I might of slept just a tiny bit too long. Nothing too bad though. Woke up energized and ready to go. Headed straight for my coffee. I feel clarity, motivation, purpose. Not sure If it's due to Adrafinil or from being completely rested. I can feel that my mood is positive. More than usual, in fact. I hardly ever wake up to this mood.

Going about my day as usual. Very motivated, energetic, and positive. Very very good mood.

Conclusions and Questions:
I d a search online and people were being called liars for mentioning that they could sleep while on Adrafinil. Probably due to it being a stimulant prescribed for narcolepsy. Other often used terms are: wakefulness-promoting agent, fights sleepinees, antisleep effects, etc.

I must be a liar... or a crazy person. Because this MOST DEFINITELY happened. This is the best night of sleep I've had in over a year. I'm not sure what the cause of action is. Sleep usually escapes me. I MAY get a good night rest like this MAYBE once a year.

I definitely want to continue expirementing with this, especially for the purpose of better sleep. I could quite easily kill two birds with one stone if this works as a sleep-aid and cognitive/mood enhancer the following morning. I've found that nothing else works quite like this. I think better sleep is my key to better clarity, motivation, etc. It could also be because it hasn't worn off yet too. Although it's been 14 hours since my dose.

Other notes that may be of interest:
I am a fairly new expirementer in the topic of nootropics. I've only tried a handful of them and very rarely at that. Most of the time, I often noticed little to no effects - however that hasn't stopped me from expirementing.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108948
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Jun 24, 2020Views: 1,227
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Adrafinil (216) : First Times (2), Alone (16)

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