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Jester Split Himself in Two
by Nina
Citation:   Nina. "Jester Split Himself in Two: An Experience with DMT (exp108955)". Sep 1, 2016.

3 - 5 hits smoked DMT
Jester Taunting Me as a 'Goddess'

I packed my pipe with some DMT, laid down on the bed and closed my eyes.

Immediately, I was with a jester and he was messing with I smoked more to annoy him and possibly get some help (not as stupid as it sounds LOL! We loved and trusted each other unconditionally so it was exactly like two friends messing with each other...he didn't take it seriously at all and thought it was hilarious) and he actually split himself in two—and his other half became a wise, beautiful goddess huffing at him with her arms on her hips!!

She sided with me against him and cried out 'You're pushing down on her! You're pushing her! Stop!' with her arms out, acting like a referee, LOL! So she scolded him and afterwards she 'went away'—he turned into one person again and laughed with me...he smiled and said he learned his lesson and wouldn't mess with me anymore...which was a total lie but he was really funny...I always see him during my experiences—he's actually the jester I see every time I smoke DMT.

It was really hilarious!

Looking back on it, the goddess never actually felt truly female...but I actually believed I was with two different entities at the time, so it was a wonderful trick! I didn't realize what he had done until he turned back into one entity and I had time to think about it.

...Jesters. LOL.

Addendum - July 2018

Author Note: "I want to put in 95 lbs (I had guessed my weight, got a scale a while ago and it turns out I'm a lot lighter than I thought - I'm only 5'1" - so I thought it would be better to change it - I've basically been the same weight for years - this happened like a 3-4 years ago I think so my weight should have been the same from back then).

The revised report [included below] is WAY more accurate, true to the feeling of the trip, has way more details and gives a sense of what a DMT trip is instead of kind of just going into vague descriptions (plus my writing got a lot better, LOL)."


I packed my pipe with some DMT, laid down on the bed and closed my eyes.

Suddenly, I was with THE JESTER – the same hilariously sarcastically cute one I always see on DMT that called me “dummy” once when I didn’t smoke enough DMT – and he was messing with me…so I smoked more to annoy him and possibly get some “help”…which he didn’t take seriously at all – he thought it was hilarious.

So much laughter – so much teasing – he didn’t give a SHIIIT!


His other half became a wise, beautiful goddess huffing at him with her arms on her hips!!!

I could feel that “she” was male on the inside – waaay back into her soul – which made this more ridiculously funny because I was in a daze and totally on her side like ‘YEAH, you messed up! What now, jerk?’

She sided with me against him and cried out “You’re pushing down on her! You’re pushing her! Stop!” with her arms out, acting like a referee, LOL!

So she basically wagged a finger at him with her mind and “scolded” him and afterwards she began to fade and “went away” – he turned into one person again and laughed with me wildly…he smiled – SO humbly! – and said he learned his lesson (sure) and wouldn’t mess with me so much anymore…which was a total lie but he’s always really hilarious when he fucks with me and taunts me so it’s all cute and silly and he started again as soon as “she” was gone and all I could do was laugh.

But yeah, this experience with the “goddess” was hilarious because I was so dazed I thought I was dealing with two entities at the same time – afterwards I was like ‘You asshole, LOL.’

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108955
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Sep 1, 2016Views: 2,161
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