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Comfortably Numb
Kratom & Cannabis
Citation:   Donutte. "Comfortably Numb: An Experience with Kratom & Cannabis (exp109039)". Jun 3, 2020.

  oral Kratom
    smoked Cannabis
Background: I am not a heavy drug user, but I did buy kratom for some medical reasons, which isn't to say I don't enjoy getting high. I have some stomach problems and I was feeling some pain so I decided to take the kratom.

Setting: Warm summer day, going out on bike ride, smoked a small bowl of indica.

T + O:00 Drank a couple spoonfuls of kratom powder with water. Smoked and then went out on my bike.

T + 1:00 Haven't really discerned any effects that were different getting stoned, although a bit calmer.

T + 1:30 I have taken public transport out to a big park and I am lying down under a tree, listening to music and writing. I am not noticing any interesting effects, although a mild sense of indifference to my usual concerns begins to set in.

T + 2:00 Get on my bike and go to another part of the park. End up lying around and reading for an hour or so. Usually I get a lot of anxiety when I'm out in the city, and feel compelled to do something, but my rationale cools off and I decide I don't need to do anything but relax.

T + 3:00 Get up and bike to another part of the park, to lie down and read some more. I smoke another small bowl on the way (I get off the bike first of course!)

T + 3:10 I am lying down and finally, after questioning for awhile whether or not the kratom is doing anything, begin to feel what I can only call numb. To be clear, I have been living for almost a decade with depression that I haven't treated with any medication, and the past two years I have become more and more apathetic, although I try not to be. But I am lying down, and it's a warm summer day, the sky is blue and I am surrounded by trees and I do feel a very mild body high, and I also have this very detached philosophical thought, which on marijuana might make me feel disturbed, but when I think them now I am just comfortably numb.

T + 3:30 Set back out on my bike to go catch the train, I am perfectly capable of physical activity, no more tired than I would otherwise be, maybe a bit lazy. The train is full of people because of rush hour, and I have to fit my bike into the only open space of the train and hold it during the ride. But usually I would feel some anxiety, but I don't feel any stress being around a bunch of people.

T + 4:00 Riding back home through a quiet neighborhood while sun is beginning to set, I am really appreciative of the beauty of summer. Earlier however I was commenting to myself on how numb I felt, but maybe the kratom only brought the numbness my depression has caused onto the surface?

T + 4:30-7:00~ The rest of the night I am pretty calm, and a pretty dull euphoria settles in as I chill out in my room for the rest of the night.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109039
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Jun 3, 2020Views: 978
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Kratom (203) : First Times (2), Depression (15), Combinations (3), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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