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Citation:   Grego. "Blitzed: An Experience with Kava (exp109047)". Feb 12, 2020.

3 - 4 Tbsp oral Kava (ground / crushed)
I tried Kava back in 2001 and it did nothing. I did not prepare it correctly and extract powder was not available. After seeing that [website] now stocks a powder and reading the real reviews of buyers I decided to try it again.

One can in fact get totally wasted on Kava. I started adding 3-4 TB to glasses of water, tea and Pepsi about 4 hours ago. I am at present so toasted that I would not attempt to drive. Muscles are relaxed, mouth is numb. I feel some nausea but have managed to keep it all down. Eating would be a good idea but I am going to take this to the limit.

I feel totally distracted by anything and super drunk as if I drank a 12 pack. My motor skills are impared and it's hard to walk straight. My mouth is numb, stomach feels upset and it reminds me of the onset of mushrooms. And anxious feeling, some paranoia wondering if my wife can tell. Numb senses. Just so high that I can not believe that this is legal. You could get arrested for driving after consuming as much as I have (8+ oz) no doubt. I can't count, I can't remember my username. I feel very lazy and need a shower but I am afraid I will fall down in it as I can not balance. I also feel very dizzy and am not interested in TV or anything, just into myself and wanting to report this. Feels like too much Valium.
Feels like too much Valium.

It's an amazing high which I would not do in such a high dosage every day, but this is fun and interesting. Not sure the paranoia about not being able to walk and being unsure if I will throw up is worth it.

And here we go, wife looked at me and said 'something is wrong with you, have you been drinking?' Blew into a home breathalizer at 0.00 and she said 'You took too much Kava'.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109047
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 48
Published: Feb 12, 2020Views: 829
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Kava (30) : Alone (16), General (1)

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