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Rush of Energy and Perfect Comedown
Dextroamphetamine & Various
by Flow
Citation:   Flow. "Rush of Energy and Perfect Comedown: An Experience with Dextroamphetamine & Various (exp109052)". Aug 23, 2016.

T+ 0:00
5 mg oral Amphetamines  
  T+ 2:45 120 mg oral Caffeine (liquid)
  T+ 3:45 77 mg oral Caffeine (liquid)
  T+ 3:45 100 mg oral Tryptophan - 5-HTP  
  T+ 3:45 1 tablet oral Vitamins / Supplements  
  T+ 4:30 5 mg oral Amphetamines  
  T+ 4:30 1 glass oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 5:00 1 smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
  T+ 6:00 5 mg oral Pharms - Diazepam  
  T+ 6:15 100 mg oral Tryptophan - 5-HTP  
  T+ 7:45 5 mg oral Pharms - Diazepam  
  T+ 7:45 440 mg oral Naproxen  
  T+ 9:45 3 glasses oral Alcohol - Beer/Wine  
  T+ 9:45 5 mg oral Pharms - Diazepam  
First Documented Experience of Mine W Attentin

Monday, August 15, 2016 (GMT+2)

Height: 175cm

* ~5mg - Nicotine
* 10mg - Dextroamphetamine
* ~200mg - Caffeine
* 66cl - 4.7% Alcohol
* 15mg - Diazepam
* 200mg - Quetiapine
* 200mg - 5-HTP
* 250mg Valerian (Root Extract)
* 5mg Melatonin

* 1x - Pill of 'Nature's Aid /
Lifestyle Quantum
'Super' Strength Multi-Vitamin'
* 440mg - Naproxen
* 600mg - Ibuprofen
* 10mikrog - Vitamin D3
* 1250mg - Calcium
* ?mg - Omeprazol

Method of consumption: Oral (except nicotine, which was inhaled)

By: ~Flow~

11:15 - (-)
- 5mg Dexamphetamine (1x 5mg Attentin) ingested.

12:00 - (±)
- Some slight effects possibly noticed.

12:45 - (+)
- Decreased need for alcohol & nicotine noticed.

13:15 - (++)
- Increased attention span and lowered hyperactivity. Very positive sign.

14:00 - (+++)
- 120mg Caffeine (1x cup of Espresso) ingested orally.
- Extremely calming sensation rushing thru body.

14:30 - (+++)
- Uncomfortable muscle spasms due to the combination.

15:00 - (+++)
- ~77mg Caffeine (1x 0.5l Mountain Dew) ingested.
- 100mg 5-HTP ingested.
- 1x pill of 'Nature's Aid / Lifestyle Quantum 'Super' Strength Multi-Vitamin' ingested.

15:45 - (+++)
- Plateau reached. I believe so.
- 5mg Dexamphetamine (1x 5mg Attentin) ingested.
- 0.33l 4.7% ALC. (1x Sandels beer) ingested.

16:00 - (+++)
- Feel a minor craving/urge to smoke a cigarette, most likely because of the above cocktail ingested. Normally I smoke approx. an entire pack (x20) or more of North States (Finnish brand of the strongest type) per day, but right now my smoking habits 'feels' like ⅛ of a pack per day.

16:15 - (+++)
- Noticeable peak. Muscle spasms gone. Very pleasant. Almost, but not euphoric. Eyelids pronouncedly opened. No pupil dilation. I will have that cigarette now.

16:30 - (+++)
- Had an enjoyable rush of energy and started picking up some of the cigarette butts off the backyard's/'Den's' patio ground, which had been flicked there by me. Managed to pick up approx. two handfuls. Hurray! =]
- Increased need to urinate. Blatter still as enormous as always =/

16:45 PM - (+++)
- Noticed a bug in the audio in X-Com 2, so I decided to turn the music off from the game and started playing W. Amadeus Mozart, Hallucinogen, and after that 'Best of Electro Swing August 2016'.

17:00 - (+++)
- Mild lower abdomen pain. Reminds me of times when I've been binge drinking. Perhaps it's the lymph node they found inside my liver on the ultrasound earlier today.
- Typing quite noticeably faster.

17:15 - (++)
- Very mildly annoying jaw clenching.
- Husband should be home from downtown any minute now.
- 5mg Diazepam [5mg Diapam (split into ¼ pieces)] ingested.

17:30 - (++)
- Husband did come home.
- 100mg 5-HTP ingested.

19:00 - (++)
- Wow. Passage of time running oddly fast.
- Gastric distress stopped after defecation.
- 5mg Diazepam [5mg Diapam (split into ¼ pieces)] ingested.
- 440mg Naproxen ingested.

19:15 - (+)
- Nice mellowing down of effects.

19:45 - (±)
- Perfect comedown.

21:00 - (-)
* 0.99l 4.7% ALC. (3x Sandels beer)
* 5mg Diazepam (1x 5mg Diapam)
* 250mg Valerian (Root Extract)
* 5mg Melatonin
* 200mg Quetiapine (8x 25mg Ketipinor)
* 600mg Ibuprofen (1x 600mg Burana)
* 10mikrog Vitamin D3 (1x 10mikrog Devisol)
* 1250mg Calcium (1x 1250mg Calcioral)
* ?mg Omeprazol (1x ?mg Omeprazol Ratiopharm)

21:30 - (±)
- Nice and calming effect.

22:00 - (+)
- Definite activity. Was able to eat a triangle tuna sandwich.
- Eyelids are weighing down nicely.
- Getting sleepy slowly.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109052
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 33
Published: Aug 23, 2016Views: 2,895
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Amphetamines (6) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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