Generally Enjoyable
by AJ
Citation:   AJ. "Generally Enjoyable: An Experience with LSD (exp109057)". May 29, 2017.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
Over the past three years I have experimented with various drugs but only delved into the world of acid this year.

My first ever experience with acid was fairly tame as I think the tab was not very potent but I felt very euphoric and had good visuals.

It wasn't until my second acid trip that I truly felt the power of this crazy paper magic. I dropped the tab with two friends around 7pm summer time so it was still going to be light for several hours however I anticipated that I would want to stay inside so we chilled in my friend's bedroom. Almost as soon as the effects kicked in around 30 minutes later I felt an immediate need to go outside. Only one of my friends wanted to join me so we went for a walk and this was absolutely amazing. Everything danced and formed patterns, I felt elated and mesmerised by all the colours I could see over everything and the earth looked as though it was breathing.

Things stayed pleasant and amazing for a while until we returned home. My friend's house is filled wit ornaments, toys and crazy wallpaper which all wriggled and changed colours. Being inside at this point was very overwhelming and I had to leave again. We all went outside and things started to get weird. I slowly began forgetting who I was, where I lived, what I do in life, what me and my friends were doing and I was obsessed with knowing where we going even when we had chosen to sit and relax.

I forgot I was on acid, I felt like the same people kept passing us as we sat on a park bench and I struggled to see if things were really close or really far away. I knew something was weird but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I felt like I was in some dreamy state, I couldn't talk and I couldn't really get my head around what other people were saying. I could understand each individual word but the whole sentence sounded like jibberish.

It was actually quite stressful and overwhelming until I finally remembered we were on a drug
It was actually quite stressful and overwhelming until I finally remembered we were on a drug
and that this crazy weird feeling would stop and suddenly my trip returned to being blissfully happy and entertaining.

As I started coming down I took a second tab and went home. In my room, I listened to music and laid in the dark with my eyes closed enjoying the closed-eye visuals but annoyingly I fell asleep about 3 hours later. I don't really know how, I just suddenly woke up in the morning and felt like I had wasted the tab as I barely reached the second peak!

I have done acid a few times since but have yet to experience any spiritual awakening or reach any great epiphanies which was my main goal in doing acid but I think I will try two tabs in the future.

From my experiences, bad trips are easy to trigger but equally easy to avoid and easy and easy to turn around. I think I just needed to do it a couple times to be able to know what to expect and how to control a seemingly out of control experience!

I am planning on doing LSA Morning Glory seeds soon for a second time and LSD in the near future.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109057
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: May 29, 2017Views: 1,555
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LSD (2) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Various (28)

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