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Only the Aftermath Was Unpleasant
by J.R.
Citation:   J.R.. "Only the Aftermath Was Unpleasant: An Experience with LSD (exp109102)". May 1, 2019.

    LSD (blotter / tab)
At the time I was dropping acid I was in College and tripping was the thing to do. I dropped probably 12-20 times and enjoyed the hell out of it.

The only bad experience I had was after a particularly prolonged episode of tripping I neglected to physically take care of myself and no one else was looking out for me either (a lifeguard is always essential) and I got very sick, probably pneumonia from outside winter exposure and vitamin depletion from LSD binging. But that was from my own ignorance and foolishness.

The actual experience of tripping was always a good one
The actual experience of tripping was always a good one
even if it was intense ('it's only a drug, it's only a drug...').

As for flashbacks, I've been in situations that were momentarily reminiscent of tripping and were quite enjoyable but nothing more than a passing curious phenomenon, like deja vu.

Exp Year: 1981-1982ExpID: 109102
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 1, 2019Views: 611
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LSD (2) : Unknown Context (20), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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