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Anxiety Relief and Mild Euphoria
Kava, Valerian & Cannabis
by ryry
Citation:   ryry. "Anxiety Relief and Mild Euphoria: An Experience with Kava, Valerian & Cannabis (exp109119)". Nov 24, 2017.

21 mg oral Kava (extract)
  1 capsl oral Valerian (roots)
  2 bowls smoked Cannabis  
I have been experimenting with herbal remedies to combat my clinical anxiety disorder. I've done extensive research about herbal remedy experiences, so I decided to pick up some kava kava extract liquid along with some Valerian root caps.

I combined both and then went on with my day and smoked a few bowls cannabis. I immediately felt different than just being stoned. I felt very relaxed and sedated and most importantly anxiety free. I even experienced some euphoria unlike my euphoria from my cannabis habit.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109119
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Nov 24, 2017Views: 1,601
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Kava (30), Valerian (48) : Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), Combinations (3), Not Applicable (38)

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