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Retreat of All Sanity
Cannabis (edible)
Citation:   Clams Casino. "Retreat of All Sanity: An Experience with Cannabis (edible) (exp109197)". Nov 11, 2020.

  oral Cannabis (edible / food)
I am an avid weed smoker and I like to think I have a pretty high tolerance. I have never done any other drugs but I really enjoy cannabis. My friend and I were set to go on a high school retreat which was two overnights in a religious monastery. Plenty of other students in our grade had already been on the retreat and told us how boring it was, so we had decided we would get some edibles for the first overnight to try to spice things up a bit.

We decided to get the edibles kind of last minute, so we had to go through a friend of a friend. I picked up two peanut butter cups from a supposedly trustworthy source the morning of our retreat. I asked him how much weed was in each cup and how many one person should eat (a whole one or half or what have you). He was stoned and didn't understand so I was forced to just go with it.

At the retreat, the beginning half of the day proved as boring as we expected so we were fairly anxious for the teachers to announce lights out. Finally they did, and my friend and I were off to our room. It is important to note that I ignorantly left the peanut butter cups in my car all day during school and when it was time to leave for the retreat around 3pm, it was basically just a bag of chocolate/peanut butter sauce. So we did not really have the option of just splitting one or even being able to tell how much we were taking. We grabbed two plastic knives from the cafeteria at the retreat center before bed, and we took turns spreading the cannabis-infused chocolate spread onto our tongues until the bag was empty. Around 11:45pm we stood in the middle of our retreat room with this empty bag, waiting for the effects.

Our teacher was staying in the room next door to us and the walls at this monastery were paper thin so we had to be really quiet. Luckily, I had brought a headphone splitter so my friend and I both plugged a pair of headphones into it and I started playing some music on my phone. We were both just relaxing and enjoying the music when I began to feel what I thought were the effects starting to set in. I looked at my watch and it was about 12:15 so I thought that seemed about right. Within the next five minutes there was no doubt that we were already very high. My friend seemed very happy but I was slightly worried. My past edible experiences had taken much longer to reach this height and I feared that even though I was already very high, that things were going to continue to escalate quite a bit.
I was right.

At about 12:35 we were listening to 'Butterfly' by Delicate Steve (Who I had discovered because he opened for Mac Demarco at a show the summer before) and I realized that there were cactuses in the room and they were dancing and waving to the song. And then I realized that the cactuses weren't in the room at all, but that I was now in the desert with the cactuses, and my friend, and the song- blaring aloud through the desert. I had never experienced any sort of hallucinating with weed before so I was feeling pretty spooked at this point but I knew there was no way out really so I tried to just keep going on normally. I soon realized there was not one normal thing I could do.

The more music we listened to, the more strange journeys we seemed to go on. 'Mr. Pitiful' by Otis Redding made me truly believe I was in a diner watching Otis skip and jump and run up and down the aisles as he sang his soulful song. At his point I was having fun almost. Then I looked at the clock and realized that time had been passing so much slower than I thought. It was only about 12:45.

I looked at my friend to see how he was fairing and by the look on his face it seemed like he needed some serious attention. He was just kind of absent. He did not look like he was present at all. I knew I needed to talk him back into reality. I pulled out my phone and tried showing him that one of our best friends had texted me asking about the retreat and the edibles. I thought this might help to remind him that we were still on planet earth. It seemed to help briefly but then we both started to lose control again. I tried sending our third friend a picture of us but I continued to accidentally take pictures with the back camera which just ended up being a picture of the corner of the room with high flash on. I sent him that same angled picture about 5 times before I realized what was happening.

At this point it was almost 1am and I knew I just needed to go to bed and give up. I was losing it. I crawled up to the top bunk as best as I could. It was far less than graceful. As I laid down, I took a deep breath, expecting to start the come-down process. Wrong again!

I now began to leave for a journey of my own. No music. No friends. Just me. I felt myself sort of leave the room again and glare out the window beside my bed on the way out. There was a statue of Mary down below my window in a garden. As I looked at it, she transformed into a normal looking dude who was just staring up at me through my window and waving at me frantically. I was utterly confused by this. I just could not understand who this man was and why he was waving. I thought I must know him from somewhere. Before I could even try to guess who it was I was on the move again. The stars started to play some kind of a shuffling game like you might see at a baseball game where you have to follow one item as they mix them around. Only this was about a million stars being shuffled and I was never told which one I had to follow. As I watched the shuffling, puzzled as all hell, I was suddenly jarred back to reality.

My friend was now standing by my bed and asking me if I could go to sleep now. 'Can you please go to sleep now. I think it is best for us all to go to sleep.' I am shocked by this request for some reason and I just do not know how to respond. I slowly nod and he returns to his bottom bunk. I could not understand what the purpose of his request was at all and it started to just puzzle me to the bone. The whole night I felt so insanely confused.

The next conscious thought I can recall is opening my eyes and noticing it was morning. I sort of sighed in relief, but I still felt this odd state of confusion over me. I sat up in bed and tried climbing down the bunk but had a great deal of trouble getting a grip on the rungs with my feet. I stood on the floor and looked around, only to realize I was wearing roller skates. I looked at my friend who was staring in the mirror looking just as puzzled as me. We both looked at each other. He uttered three, terrifying words: 'it's not over.'

He was right. Somehow I still felt almost as high as I had the entire night prior. The scariest part about this was that we were now expected to go have breakfast with our teachers and classmates and then participate in discussions all day with adults and classmates.

We stumbled into the cafeteria, keeping our eyes down and trying to act as regular as possible. We were just praying that we did not look as insane as we felt. The whole breakfast room looked insane to me. Friends from our school immediately called us over to sit with them. No one knew about the edibles. We tried our best to participate in conversation at the table but it just didn't seem to work. A friend asked me if I wanted him to get me some more coffee since he was getting up anyway. I froze up and forgot any words that were normal to answer a question like this so I just sort of looked at him and just barely managed to move my head in a diagonal sort of direction, which must have confused him so much. But he grabbed my mug and filled it so maybe it seemed normal enough.

After breakfast we had to go watch this movie. I remember the movie coming to an end and the teachers discussing it with us, but I really don't know what anyone said because I did not feel like I could speak the same language as any of the people around me, which was also why I could not answer my friend when he asked about the coffee.

It finally began to die down around lunchtime that day and all I could do was just sigh in relief. I felt so exhausted from the last 12 or so hours. I had just wanted out for so long and finally I was out. I still don't know how much weed I ended up having that night. All I know is it is the highest I have ever been, and it did not feel like any other weed high I had ever experienced.

Some of my friends I have told this story to have asked me if it was fun, and I wouldn't really use that word. It was sort of entertaining at first I suppose but it just turned so strange so fast and I just felt like I was trying to solve a puzzle the whole time.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109197
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Nov 11, 2020Views: 574
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Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), Multi-Day Experience (13), General (1)

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