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Nostalgic Dissociation
Cannabis (extract)
Citation:   Habitus. "Nostalgic Dissociation: An Experience with Cannabis (extract) (exp109216)". May 25, 2020.

3 hits smoked Cannabis - High CBD (extract)
    oral Pharms - Buspirone  
First of all, I am a lightweight. I am so sensitive that I anticipate one large hit of green to keep me moderately high for up to 4 hours.

This was my first time using wax and we used a 'nectar collector' in a group setting with 4 people, the regular circle, at my house in the hangout downstairs after work where we all wind down and just chill. My friend 'M', who is well aware of my sensitivity, did not notice that I had already taken 2 hits and looked up from his phone and told me to take a good medium sized hit and that should be enough for me. Five minutes later I began to panic as the high creeped up on me and continued to intensify. I told 'M' that I was about to have a panic attack and requested that he follow me to the kitchen and make sure when I get there that I take Taurine and Buspirone to stop it in its tracks. I was so distanced from my normal state of mind that I wasn't sure if I would remember why I was there by the time I got there. I remembered the pills on my own and we ended up standing in the kitchen/living room (open floor plan) and just talked for a while.

Then out of nowhere, for a split second, I felt as if my high school best friend was standing there instead of 'M'. Then immediately after that I had experienced the state of mind exactly as it had been when I was 15. I was a concrete sensory data kind of person with a lot of force, enthusiasm, and just a touch of negative 'realism' around that age. I have since gravitated toward the abstract world of thought and spend a large portion of my days thinking and dreaming. Some days I miss the powerful connection with the immediate sensory surroundings I had in my youth. I experienced a bizarre derealization when I understood how disconnected and distant I am from that person, who was me, in my former years. I am now a profoundly different person and being able to think, feel, and perceive exactly as I once had for those few fluid minutes left a powerful memory for me to hang on to
being able to think, feel, and perceive exactly as I once had for those few fluid minutes left a powerful memory for me to hang on to
. It was a fantastic reminder of how much mental and emotional progress I have made. I don't quite understand how it happened but it appears that my subconscious mind has a collection of exact copies of my previous mental states and one of them was uploaded and replaced my current mind for a brief moment in time.

Then we went outside and I smoked a cigarette to complete the anxiolytic procedure and everything after that was fairly ordinary and not worth sharing. Those 3 hits officially created the most substantial psychological shift I have ever experienced from cannabinoids.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109216
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: May 25, 2020Views: 489
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Cannabis (1) : Small Group (2-9) (17), General (1)

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