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Everything Was Pink
Citation:   Dkson96. "Everything Was Pink: An Experience with DMT (exp109249)". Apr 9, 2018.

  vaporized DMT
    insufflated DMT
DMT Trip Experience

Hello, I'm here to tell the world about my experiments with DMT. I've taken the chemical twice through vaporization as well as insufflation (snorting). After vaporizing I saw an array of alternating colors in the form of checkers. The colors being purple and yellow. After going through a portal of these colors I was introduced to what I believe to be the energy that created life as we know. He came off as evil however I did not feel threatened, he smiled at me and I smiled back. It felt as if I had known who he was but never met him before. He had a long curly mustache, he actually looked identical to the famous artist, Salvador Dali. The artist who created the painting of the horse with the melting clocks. After sitting there laughing at each other for awhile I started to come down and as I came down he told me goodbye and I said out loud, I'll greet the devil with a smiling face.

The next time I took it, I snorted a big line of DMT. This time I tripped for about 45 minutes, and it felt as if I was in a womb, I kept asking the question, 'how do I achieve greatness?' and the voice kept telling me, 'you already know what to do'. I had a feeling it meant 'just keep living and you'll figure it out'. It felt as if my mother was telling me. The energy felt like something familiar, when I closed my eyes, everything was pink, I saw pink clouds moving at a rapid pace. It was beautiful. None of these experiences have changed who I am, I don't let these experiences alter my mind because at the end of the day, it's just the chemical speaking however I will never forget my encounter with dimethyltryptamine.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109249
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Apr 9, 2018Views: 1,053
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DMT (18) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Entities / Beings (37), Unknown Context (20)

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