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Kundalini Awakening
Damiana & Cannabis
Citation:   Zerah. "Kundalini Awakening: An Experience with Damiana & Cannabis (exp109267)". Aug 27, 2018.

4 ml oral Damiana (daily)
  6 hits smoked Cannabis  
I've been using this herb to help with quitting tobacco, making tea, rolling it with tobacco in dried form, and taking the tincture daily. I had smoked a little weed with my partner, 6 tokes at most, he had been smoking weed heavily all day.

Cut to the chase, we began having sex, I saw a bright light every time I closed my eyes that wasn't there when I opened them to look for source. What happened next is hard to put into words, my lover began to climax and Did Not Stop for such a long period that we both became frightened it would never end, I've never seen/felt/heard anything like it before. Inside my body I could feel my muscles pulsate/vibrate and the fear made this ebb, and so he finally stopped, it was like we were knotted like wolves but not literally, something held us locked like that for a period afterwards, and I had the 'sensation' of light emanating from our pelvis regions.

I'm a little bit scared to continue using this herb now, I plan to reduce the tincture dose to 1-2 ml a day and not drink it as tea, but continue to use it with tobacco in order to quit.

[Reported Dose: 'Fluid Extract 1.1 4ml per day for a week']

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109267
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 36
Published: Aug 27, 2018Views: 1,514
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Damiana (107), Cannabis (1), Endogenous (86) : Sex Discussion (14), Combinations (3), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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