Motion Sickness
Citation:   Shaggysocool. "Motion Sickness: An Experience with Cannabis (exp109291)". Apr 20, 2018.

1 hit smoked Cannabis (extract)
I was at a party with a bunch of colleagues, decided to wait until the end of the night to do a dab. The party was fun, everyone was chill, managed to outdrink the veterans even, surprisingly enough. Towards the end of the night, I decide I'll go ahead and try weed, simply because I've always been curious about what it would do to me (I have ADHD, coffee and sugar do nothing for me, neither did the alcohol). So, I have the host hook everything up for me so all I had to do was inhale (he later told me he gave me a decent sized dab of whatever it was).

I took a pretty big rip of it, and as I coughed my lung out, I could immediately feel the effects. I began experiencing severe lag between brain and body, as in I would 'move' my hand, and then it would move. I also felt very floaty, like I was dreaming, and I could feel things that I never had before, like the roots of my teeth imbedded in my gums. It was like a switch was thrown on, because my throat was numbed so I didn't feel the pain of coughing, but I did feel that it was bad.

Thankfully, I managed to keep a good amount of control over myself, but the biggest problem was that I couldn't think straight, and often the words that tumbled out of my mouth were what I was thinking, and it was just a crazy out of body experience. I was doing okay until we went into the house and the host put on a movie (Cannabis Kid). All of a sudden, I was hit with a severe wave of nausea and motion sickness, so I spent the rest of the night rocking back and forth with my head staring the floor down (an old coping mechanism fron my ADHD, rocking helped get the energy out and stopped me from vomitting). The time cane for us to leave, and right before I got into my ride's car, I threw up in the yard. After that, the motion sickness wasn't too bad and I managed to make it into my bad where I promptly passed out.

All in all, is was an interesting experience, however next time I'm going to try a smaller dab and hopefully not get motion sick.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109291
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Apr 20, 2018Views: 801
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Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Overdose (29), First Times (2), Large Group (10+) (19)

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