Bittersweet Symphony
Citation:   Gonzo Cadet. "Bittersweet Symphony: An Experience with LSD (exp109292)". Sep 27, 2021.

  oral Alcohol  
    oral LSD (liquid)
Me and my friend 'C' came across a bit of LSD. I devised a way to volumetrically dose the substance to 25 ug per drop in an eyedropper.

I put 6 blotters (100ug each) into a shot glass, then added 20 drops of water. 600/20=30mcg each, minus some residual lost in the eyedropper and the shot glass...or at least that was the theory. The blotters soaked in distilled water for ~10 minutes, then the water was sucked up into the eyedropper. We then headed to a bar. There, C allegedly had 200 ug and I had 25 ug. We weren't feeling the effects (or at least C said he wasn't), so we left.

[T+0:00] We arrived alone at my house, a little drunk around midnight. There, we had the 6 blotters still in a shot glass that was previously used for volumetric dosing. We then decided to split the shot (or maybe I had all of it?)...

[T+0:30] I began to feel the come-up with extreme unrelenting intensity, as if my whole reality was becoming increasingly smaller, dark, and unstable (it was 1am and we were both tripping alone). I warned C: 'I'm a left-brained person. I'm not used to or ready for any of this!' 'C' put on some melancholy tunes (Type-O negative?) and we were having strange conversations which I don't quite remember, and C was hauntingly singing along to the music, while staring into my eyes.

[T+0:45] At this point, reality becomes a blur and fades away...I found my consciousness teleported to a far away land, first having the sense that I was stuck living and empathizing with a cheap rural mid-western female prostitute, living in a trailer park. I experienced her reality, her hardships. Then I found my consciousness stuck at a rural livestock auction, except the auctioneer was selling cowgirls seductively wearing tight jeans, and dancing like strippers. Finally, my soul drifted off into deep interstellar space, similar to the end of 'A Never-ending Story', where I stood before a southern female which was part cricket, part humanoid alien, also wearing a cowboy hat and operating what looked to be a CB/Ham radio. Her demeanor was laid back and friendly, and she asked me a few questions about where I was from, and where I was headed in this life, which I either didn't answer or was too intoxicated to answer. Then I found myself among corn/grass fields, with I myself morphing into a cricket and/or radio antenna, chirping into the darkness of the night, looking for a signal, someone to make contact with, some semblance of the reality or form I once knew.

[T+8:00] Instantaneously, I fully came to my senses. The morning sun was pouring into the room through a window. I awoke, in absolute silence, still standing up, covered in red malt liquor we were drinking, back in this reality only to find my whole existence melting in an ocean of color and vivid flowing triangular geometry. The outlines of every object looked as if it was constantly melting off into a rainbow of geometric patterns which disappeared shortly thereafter. The entire house was flexing and breathing, the outside world looked like a thousand beautiful paintings, waving and flowing with every moment, continuously melting away and being redrawn and rebuilt by the geometry. Thousands of rainbow-colored triangles came into existence per second. They grew and rotated, and melded seamlessly into the nearest form, to add to the ever-changing painting that was my reality. It was simultaneously absolutely haunting and romantic and serene. It felt like heaven. Other than the mild panic due to my mental state, I was at peace. (I was still incredibly high, and I never before had any OEVs) In this state, I silently walked around my house and stared out the window for around 3 hours.

During my apparent 7-hour black out, I had moved a total of 15 feet, and nothing was disturbed in the entire house except my drink that I had spilled on myself and the floor. In this highly intoxicated state, my mind had difficulty performing simple tasks and formulating sentences. I barely knew how to function, such as send a text message or put on my shoes. I felt as if I died and was reborn, and had to relearn everything, task by task. There was a significant delay between where my mind thought my body/limbs/fingers were, and where they actually were, which made interacting with objects even more difficult.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
[T+11:00] I had to drive to see my family, and it took me about 3 hours to feel confident enough to drive. When I began driving, my sense of reality immediately elongated into the shape of a tunnel, almost like a worm-hole or hyperspace. The steering wheel felt like a wet noodle, and I felt as if I was one with the car, watching myself drive via 3rd person. The car ride was 45 minutes, but felt like an entire day. When I was finally with my family, my mind was racing, trying to understand and make sense of what I had just experience/witnessed the night before. 12 hours after I consumed whatever it was, I was definitely still tripping, seeing illuminated trails, and having racing thoughts. I kept to myself and was doing a lot of pacing.

[T+16:00] By mid afternoon the trails had faded, but my mood, thoughts, and body high were still under the influence of what I would consider a light trip. I played catch with my son for a couple hours, which was a blast. It felt as if I had to relearn how to catch a ball and coordinate my body...but my skills returned quickly. After we were done, I started rambling to my family about the search for love, my ex-wife, alleviating poverty, the fallacy of land ownership, the corruption of the political system, modern culture, and more. At this point, my family knew I was under the influence of something (I was very quiet previously). I was still pacing, and my son (8) joined my side, pacing back and forth. I asked my son a series of questions about his opinions on life, school, his mother, if he enjoys being human, if and how he thinks about the future. I quietly wept over the lost love of his mother, and my failed attempts to reignite our love, while he comforted me and put his hand over mine in silence, as if we were both drunken 20-something best friends. We looked into each others eyes, and cried together. It was one of the most beautiful moments of my life, one that I'll never forget. (Two months after this experience, I'm closer with my son than ever before.)

[T+18:00] My father then drove me home along with my son. I continued to ramble on about axioms and metaphors, while ironically giving my son a lesson about treating your body and mind with respect. The whole conversation had a very positive vibe, with lots of joking and laughing, and my father was smiling and chiming in often on my son's lesson. When we arrived home, my son was picked up by his mother, and for the next 4 hours, I continued pacing and talking to my father and mother, who I finally told I did LSD.

[T+22:00] I finally tried to go to sleep while still lightly tripping, with anxiety about whether or not I had damaged my brain. I woke up the next morning with a foggy mind and poor balance. I had lethargy, nihilism and a mild existential crisis for the next couple days. It took about 4 days for me to make a full psychological recovery, mainly to shake off a lingering sense of confusion and nihilism.

What did I learn? That LSD is one hell-of-a drug. Next time I will try two blotters, and hopefully revisit those beautiful OEVs without the accompanying black-out and hallucinations. In hindsight, I don't regret the experience, but I wouldn't want to do it all again.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109292
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 30
Published: Sep 27, 2021Views: 475
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LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Hangover / Days After (46), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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