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Double Vision
Pregabalin (Lyrica)
Citation:   ThirstyfisH. "Double Vision: An Experience with Pregabalin (Lyrica) (exp109297)". May 24, 2021.

T+ 0:00
225 mg oral Pharms - Pregabalin (capsule)
  T+ 2:00 225 mg oral Pharms - Pregabalin (capsule)
  T+ 8:00 150 mg oral Pharms - Pregabalin (capsule)
Okay, this is about a person (me) who was and is on opiates for 17 years. This is another substance and lifestyle for another post. LYRICA - the commercials are lackluster to what I have experienced in recent times. I used this to come off a 60mg/day Oxy. I am writing this on a 600mg Dose of Beautiful LYRICA...I will give a DAY scenario. I am opiate free (I know that LYRICA binds to specific receptors similar to Opiates) speaking of the real thing here.

Time line:
6:30 AM – take three 75’s and another 3 at 8:30Am - Feel already Clumsy but happy that I am Clumsy until I stub a toe.

[Erowid Note: Driving while intoxicated, tripping, or extremely sleep deprived is dangerous and irresponsible because it endangers other people. Don't do it!]
8:30 – 10:00 AM – Drive to work notice I do not need the AC on anymore – roll down window and smell the Ozone and Grass cut. Makes me very nostalgic, mind is triggering whispering weeping willows prior to a storm coming. I try to stay focused as I enter the major highway. The car in front of me is doubled and everything else is double vision. Hard to concentrate however, I am content with driving and I feel relax and somewhat euphoric now.

Head to work – 10:30 (yes late), go to my office run some simulations that I ran overnight. Hard to type, feel like I want to talk to anyone right now, perhaps the most attractive girl in my area. Have confidence but cannot walk very well. I am bumping into guy who is trying to piss. I say sorry. The funny thing about Lyrica is that I was standing staring at the bathroom wall waiting to urinate. It took me like 5 minutes to really really concentrate on my stream. So I had to sit down and I fell asleep. 11:30 – When I am at my desk someone ask me a questions and as I turned my head the entire room was blurry. When I looked at his face it was fuzzed and had a doubled vision. I tried to speak and I was rambling technical words to get him to stop talking to me. I am not annoyed but I felt I wanted to listen to my music as this was paramount to the effects of LYRICA. My Bloody Valentine sounded fucking Epic... 12:00 I went to lunch and lost my balance outside the parking lot. Curbs are not intended for balance beams. 12:30 – Eating was slow and had some difficulty swallowing. Was not too hungry even though I did not eat in the Morning.
1:00 – back in office after walking ordeal, feel very euphoric still but no I have more of a relaxed / Heavy feeling like when I sit down I stay down and stare at my PC monitor. I voice in my head says to just stay here because I could make a fool of myself.
2:30 PM I take another dose of 150mg when I am still seeing double and my left ear is ringing a bit now.
3:30 PM – Since I quit Oxy, I still have RLS, my legs are swinging hard under my desk, but the Lyrica keeps me relaxed and it is as if my legs are separated from my heavy body. I cannot explain this, it’s like depersonalization of extremities.
5:00PM – Well, no manager are around and meetings don’t call for me to attend, I am going home.
5:30PM – The 150 kicked in and I am still sitting down not panicky but just numb and aloof in my mindset. I do not care about nothing at this moment. It has become personal in terms of zoning out to a point that I daydream and twitch my arm or legs due to the dream state I carry on in my head. I cannot stand up without help.
7:00PM – I am somewhat spinning when I turn fast, which I LOVE by the way. It is not the type of spinning that is vertigo and nausea. I am able to walk outside. When I walk and take a step I feel that my foot friction is helping the world spin around, I concentrate on the walking as well as the time dilation to my damn car.
8:00PM – Come home after driving in slow lane. I feel relaxed still and no bad feelings. My eyes are still forced to see double. I don’t mind it. I come upstairs and greet my family and kids. It is a slow process of taking off my shoes. The BEST time was the HOT shower. As withdrawal is a harsh element of your body coming clean, the water and heat are wonderful.
9:00PM I am sitting down and watching TV, the movie is At close Range 1986, love it but cannot see their faces still since that they are now blurred rather than double. I enjoy the relaxed state still no worries and the head spin is still present.
10:00pm – feel tired and VERY heavy – My breathing is deep and my eyes being closed I see 3D object with surface areas that are moving in unison. Dreamlike, SO Pleasant !
4:30 AM – Wake up to go to the Bathroom. My urine takes so long to stream. Weird but I think this was a side effect of Lyrica.
6:00 AM – Wake up with no feelings of altered states. Not having any side effects.

Conclusion: LYRICA is a wonderful experience for me and it help me with my Opiate WD. It does have a ceiling effect since I have taken 1200mg in one day and I do not get any stronger feelings other than what I described above.
All in all it’s a great drug.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109297
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 43
Published: May 24, 2021Views: 1,107
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Pharms - Pregabalin (418) : Workplace (51), Health Benefits (32)

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