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Contentment in a Blanket of Fear
Citation:   cd3ad. "Contentment in a Blanket of Fear: An Experience with DPT (exp109319)". May 19, 2020.

T+ 0:00
1 hit smoked DPT (powder / crystals)
  T+ 4:00   smoked Cannabis  
Over the past four years I have used and abused dozens of substances from heroin, morphine (daily for almost three years), fentanyl, to cocaine, meth, to ketamine (hundreds of times), mushrooms (dozens of times), LSD (several times), DMT, a handful of RCs, every herb I could find from calea and mugwort to ashwagandha and bacopa, and plenty more I would rather not name. However, with the exception of an AL-LAD trip about a month and a half ago and a miprocin trip about a month ago, I hadn't touched a psychedelic for well over two years. My decision to try this was rooted in a desire to re-acquaint myself with the RC tryptamine trinity.
My decision to try this was rooted in a desire to re-acquaint myself with the RC tryptamine trinity.

DPT, probably most famous for being the psychedelic used in a church in New York, is apparently referred to as 'The Light'. I hadn't noticed this before doing it, and while on it decided that a good name could be Darkly Powerful Tryptamine. I weighed out 70mg for a first dose, but expected not to do it all. I ended up packing half into my pipe and taking one toke.

A dark, very foggy field late at night. There are two groups of stoners on opposite sides of the field, with neither of which am I in any way affiliated. I have John Beal (The X-Files) playing on Spotify in the background. Two bowls were smoked earlier that evening, the last about an hour beforehand.

I was expecting to see demons in the trees or behind cars, for why else would a church use such a drug if its own flavor was not defined by imagery which can potentially be interpreted in a religious manner? Miprocin has that distinct alien or primæval feel, so despite being a confirmed atheist I was hoping that I could get some sense of what so much of the world believes. I didn't think it would be too intense, for I was only smoking around 30-40mg. I packed the bowl at a bench underneath a light after going through all my pockets to be certain nothing was loose and may fall out if I take my shirt or - god forbid - my pants off in my mania.

11:07 PM
By Pollux, I had not expected that! I light the bowl of powder in my wooden pipe, inhale some, and then release this absolutely massive cloud of white smoke. Before the smoke was out, I was at the peak of what I would relate to one of my 7g mushroom trips. Only with my first time on K - where I accidentally K-holed and felt like I was being shot from a cannon from one universe to another - have I ever come so close to losing it. I could not recommend this to somebody not very experienced in psychedelics, for it was completely overwhelming. I feel an intense need to puke but hold it after a few gags. I was standing in the middle of a field, and all around me was this low, dense fog such that the grass could only barely be seen when, suddenly, all around me, holes begin to open up in the ground and other parts of the field began to rise up. I begin to walk and, trying to avoid the grass, head to a baseball diamond which, in my intoxication, feels like a massive crater. As I walk through the diamond, I see fossilized animals materialize out of the scuff marks and impressions made in the sand; I feel as though I am walking through a primordial graveyard.

This is really freaking me out by this point. I try to recompose myself and repeat to myself that I must control myself, it is merely the drug, that this is the field I walk through every day. Gradually the sensation that I am wrapped in a blanket of pure fear dies down and I force myself to smile. I decide to walk to the water fountain, but as I approach it the terrible taste of the DPT hits me and I start to gag. For the next five minutes every inhalation makes me feel like I'm going to puke.

I feel like I've been walking around for 30 minutes, but my rational mind has not abandoned me and I realize that I haven't gotten far enough for that to be true - just from one side of the field to the other - so I look at my phone and see that only a few minutes have gone by. I'm still kinda freaking out, so I ask myself what did I just do and try to endure it. I walk around the park erratically for awhile, but I can't seem to calm down so I decide to walk past one of those groups of stoners I'd avoided earlier and go through the nearby forest.

The fear dissolves as I leave the park, even though I am entering a forest so dark that one cannot see his hand in front of his face. The only lights are the surreally drifting Halloween lights coming from the opposite side of the forest and reflecting through the fog to give this orange-blue glow to the other half of the forest. I push on ahead but see flashing lights all around me; I finally realize that these seem to be raccoon eyes, but rather than being fixed in an object like a tree as on mushrooms, they are just floating all around me, watching me. Every tree seems like it is out to grab me; the forest is more alive now than during the daytime, and every sound is a menace. Suddenly I smell skunk; at first I thought it was me, but within seconds it was so powerful that I had thought I had been sprayed, to which my first thought was, 'oh shit, this is my friend's shirt.'

I keep on walking and soon enough the smell disappears. I am relieved, but now I am heading into the lights with their ominous glow spreading out throughout the forest 'neath the trees. By this point I am mostly relieved not to have gotten lost yet, which is something that has only ever happened to me (in this forest, at least) on cannabis, despite all the other substances I have there consumed. As I escape the darkness, I find myself struck with nausea and decide to walk around the block and back into the park.

My thoughts during this period were relatively fluid though easily disrupted by the figures rising out of the marks on the pavement or by flashes of those raccoon eyes that continue to haunt me everywhere I look. They focus on drug usage primarily, though individual thoughts sometimes lead to others that change the topic but, unlike on pot, I can easily recall this train of thought to return to the origin. Whenever I try to change the topic on my mental radio to something more sensitive I find that the knob returns to the previous channel, so I decide to try to get through it.

By this point I am half-way around the block, and a jeep-sized automobile drives by and goes down my friend's street. I am way too high to notice the vehicle as it goes by, but I hear - at first I think over the radio - the phrase, 'and a cherry on top,' which, when I think about it, makes me think that it was too particular to be anything but my friend, so I turn around and run to his street. I walk near his house, but it is too late for me to even think of knocking, so I leave. I have absolutely no idea what happened to that vehicle, but it was nowhere in sight when I got to the street down which it turned.

The next time I remember looking at my phone it was 11:34 and I was just returning to the park. I refill my water bottle and drink some, surprised that I can keep it down with only slight nausea. This was the last time I looked at the time until I went home at 12:02. Every now and then the album reached a creepier song and I would turn it back to the theme to the X-Files episode The Post-Modern Prometheus, which I found very comforting for some reason, even as my mind's eye replayed some of the episode.

Things get a bit hazy after this. I know I walked around for awhile, going through the forest again, walking another lap around the block before going home, but other than those raccoon-eyes, the visuals became much less obvious after this point. There is still the sensation that I am walking over-top a precious, 200-million year old fish fossil (most looked aquatic), but it is less exhilerating and believable. My mind is adapting to its new reality and overtaking the psychedelic.

By the time I get home I am still in a different place, though no visuals return to my memory as I write this the next day. I felt like masturbating but a brief effort resulted in no erection so I decided to go on facebook and spent the next little while writing my high thoughts to my friends before I felt totally sober at about 12:30.

The night ended up being a late one for me. I brought myself to roll a joint - not wanting to use my pipe after the DPT had been in it - at around 1 AM, but didn't smoke it I think until around 3. As soon as the DPT wore off I felt wired and began to read trip reports and continued to send messages. At 4:20 I take a final toke for the night and finally feel myself falling into that dreamless state I call sleep.

I have felt very little desire to toke today, and have felt more mentally energized than I have been in years; I miss that feeling, and so I thus fear that I may develop a stronger urge to use this substance on a more regular basis. However, even at my relatively small dose, I found it to be a very powerful and awe-inspiring experience. Definitely one of my most intense psychedelic experiences. I can absolutely see why a church would use it, for it felt to me at first like smoking fear in a powder, but I was content with that once I accepted the trip.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109319
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: May 19, 2020Views: 827
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DPT (21) : First Times (2), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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