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Everything Is Made of Faces
LSD, Cannabis & Nicotine
Citation:   Mr. President. "Everything Is Made of Faces: An Experience with LSD, Cannabis & Nicotine (exp109349)". Jul 19, 2020.

6 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
    repeated smoked Cannabis  
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes  
    repeated vaporized Cannabis (extract)
    repeated vaporized Nicotine (liquid)
It was my birthday, I was in good spirits. And I had one last trip in my stash. Six doses from a fat strip of what may be the finest LSD I have ever had. Also experimenting with curcumin in conjunction with piperine as an MAOI. A smaller dose of which had negligible results, so decided to double my dose.

I took the curcumin/piperine suplements at 12:30AM, followed by my dose of L at 12:45AM. Smoking herb and vaping crumble hash, as well as the occasional cigarette and pull from the vape throughout (this continues consistently all night). I catch up on current events while I wait for that feeling that signals the drug is beginning to tale effect. That skin crawly, nauseous, anxious feeling. Like a great mass of energy is building inside of me. This began, quite softly, at 1:30AM. But quickly increasing in intensity at aproximately 1:45AM. My heart began racing wildly as I stood calmly, smoking on my patio. I breathed somewhat heavily as if I had just gone for a brisk walk. I knew I would be in for a wild ride as the half moon shone brightly from above.

As the effects progressed, I quickly lost track of time. But not much had passed as patterns began to form on every rough surface. The stars began to dance around, and I felt it was time for some music. I made my way inside for my headphones, lit some incense, and pressed play on Frances the Mute by The Mars Volta. I loaded up my wax pen, cut my birthday cigar, and went back to rejoin nature. Once outside, I lit my cigar and closed my eyes in extasy. What greeted me was a kaleidoscope of some of the most intricate fractals I have ever seen on acid. And this includes my experimental dose of 3,000ug a couple weeks prior. And this trip is just getting started.

After enjoying the eyelid movies, I went back to stargazing. As I watched them gliding around the heavens, seeming to gain as much enjoyment from my music as I was. I realized I was putting a great strain on my neck due to the only visibility in my back yard being straight up. So I made my way around to the front, and found a nice spot in my driveway to lie down and get a full view of the sky. As I stared into space, I lost myself. I was overtaken by an overwhelming oneness with the universe as she gave me a breathtaking light show. Exactly what I saw, what I thought in those moments is gone. Flashes of the sky, stars moving, and what looked like translucent tunnels forming between them are all I can recall from this moment that felt like forever. And I'm only halfway done with my cigar, meaning its only been about 30-45 minutes since it was lit. Feeling a bit exposed, knowing these activities in the middle of the night may seem a bit odd. I decided to take it back to my patio in case anyone were to look out a window in my direction. But first, a detour indoors for what McKenna would have described as a 'bomber', and more wax. I sat and stared at the grass, I danced, I smoked my joint, I puffed my cigar. The whole time in awe at the gestalt of experience assaulting my conciousness.

I stood staring up at the moon, or should I say, moons. As it appeared as if the were trying to occupy the same space. I took a few big rips of hash, and suddenly I'm laughing hysterically. So hard my eyes are clenched shut. And what I see if a fractal made of maniacal, grinning, wide eyed, laughing faces. Tongues hanging out of their gaping toothy grins. Colored like pool balls. It's as if they fell from nowhere in the darkness of my eyelids like drops of water, splashing apart, spinning, and reforming as two. They did this repeatedly, gaining more depth, and in more infinite numbers than the time before. The patterns they create becoming more complex. And all I could do was laugh harder each time at how impossible it all was. And when I opened my eyes, the faces were everywhere. On the trees and bushes, in the clouds, on the walls. When I went inside and looked in the mirror, they were all over me as well. Then I notice out of the corner of my eye, something moving.

The floor in the hallway was covered with intricate geometric patterning. It was mezmerizing. As the mosic played it fed the patterns, it drove them. Segments broke off and slid, or swirled, drifted and twisted to the sounds, coming to rest on top of previously laid patterning, this process continued repeating as they became more and more complex as I just stood yhere slackjawed and wide eyed. Then I realized how strange this must look and shut the door to my bedroom and decided to roll up another joint. Of coirse being distracted by countless things along the way, and apon realizing that I was in the middle of doing something, I hear a a garbled chuckle, and not just one but many. These ever present faces were laughing at me, so I laughed right along as I sealed the jazz cigarette. And thats when I noticed it, these patterns on my floor, they were comprised of the faces, so I look closer, hands and knees style, the faces are made of little faces. And what else can I do but laugh at this scene that would drive the average person to madness.

I step outside again, smoke my joint, a couple cigarettes and step back inside because, and pardon me for being a bit crude, but I was horny. So I found some colorful porn and did my thing, of course, the faces staring at me from everywhere, including my monitor, on the erotic art, on the bodies of the models, it didn't exactly help the process along, but I got a good laugh out of it. Now, heres why this is relavent. As I came, firsr there was a flash, and everything went into overdrive, and my CEVs became infinitely more complex, culminating in a ride on a roller coaster through a castle an the surface of a star, or in a volcano, not exactly sure. But it was a bit firey outside the windows.

Then I decided to sit down and just chill out for a mitute to some trippy music videos. Let my mind rest for a minute. Then I laid back, put on some Shpongle and watched the faces. They were in a sort of duel checkerboard formation, forming a corner in the center of my vision behind my eyelids. Dancing around, columns would twist into helixes, whole sections wpuld spin independantly. Or launch forward and the drop back one by one, one tooth at a time, litterally tearing themselves apart and puting themselves back together. And I realized thay I was staring at my psyche. Specificly the portion related to my anxiety. But also that they were growing more complex again until I was back in the castle from before, then suddenly I'm watching a cow, a very cartoony cow. Like cg animation. Only this cow has a jetpack, and the jetpack is spewing out ice cream as its method of propulsion. Which both confused and delighted me.

The night, or morning rather, continued on as it had been. The faces remaining everpresent throughout the remainder of the trip. I had begun calling them the lysergic faries. I enjoyed watching them play in the clouds as the sun rose. But the night was over, and I was tired. I laid down and listened to a recording of McKenna giving a lecture on the history of psychedelics. Watching the still image it was set to move about the screen until my eyes closed and I watched the patterns there, moving in and out of lucid dreams I can't recall until I finally slipped into unconciousness.

In summary, either this was one of those perfect times for a trip, or the curcumin and piperine worked wonders. I can't be sure until I try it in conjunction with mhrb tea. And just as a side note, my anxiety has been diminished greatly since that experience. This by far was the best LSD trip I have ever had, and I don't see that changing for quite some time.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109349
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 29
Published: Jul 19, 2020Views: 683
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LSD (2) : Combinations (3), Nature / Outdoors (23), Glowing Experiences (4), Alone (16)

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