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A Beautiful Dream With My Best Friend
Citation:   trash lady. "A Beautiful Dream With My Best Friend: An Experience with LSD & MDMA (exp109401)". Erowid.org. Oct 16, 2024. erowid.org/exp/109401

T+ 0:00
1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 5:00 100 mg oral MDMA (capsule)
  T+ 0:00   repeated smoked Cannabis  
I was visiting my high school best friend in New York City and we had tickets to go see M83. We don't get the chance to see each other as much as we'd like to, so whenever we're together we always have an amazing time no matter what we do.

She has a great and very pure molly connection and I have a great acid hook up so we decided to candy flip because neither of us had done it before. She'd done molly five or six times and acid once before with me, and I'd done acid about ten times but had never tried molly. I heard many varying recommendations on when to take the acid and molly from friends and online, but we decided to take the acid first around 4pm, then take the molly when we got to the show.

We each took one regular strength tab at her apartment then walked to Prospect Park in Brooklyn. We got a little lost during the come up and wandered around the park for a while but eventually found a beautiful field that was the perfect place for tripping. We decided on a tree to sit under and the acid really began to kick in. It was a 65 degree day in mid-October; the weather was perfect and the trees were stunning.

We laid under the most beautiful tree in the park and started to laugh about everything. We made up a story about two trees we saw across the field called 'Two Tree King Brothers' and I found a walnut on the ground and gave it to my friend because it was the perfect thing to touch. 'To touch it in times of need,' I said. I found a stick and rolled all over and rubbed the stick together with my hands and got so covered in stick bits and dirt that we called me Dirt Girl and that made me cry it was so funny. I was crying because I felt so happy and everything was beautiful. At one point the park police drove past us and we got a little freaked out because we felt like we were acting so crazy but we kept making jokes like, 'Is it a crime to be smiling so much, Officer? Is it illegal to be covered in dirt and grass, Officer?'. We were hilarious.

We had to be back at the apartment at 6:00 so at 5:30 we decided to try to walk back. We took ten steps and both realized we didn't know where we were at all so we sat on the ground and then walked back to the tree. Luckily my friend's boyfriend came to find us and he walked us back to the apartment. Everything was so vivid and acidy while we walked through Brooklyn that I couldn't focus my eyes on any one thing because there was too much to look at.

Back at the apartment we were deep into the trip. My friend had to lie down and started to get freaked out about the thought of having to go to a busy concert and take molly, but we smoked a little weed and that helped things. We also drank a few glasses of water and ate some frozen strawberries and frozen grapes. The grapes were terrible though because I didn't anticipate the being filled with seeds. I spit the seeds into my hand and held them for a few minutes while I looked at my friend's cat.

When it was time to leave my friend felt really overwhelmed because she couldn't decide whether to wear a jacket or not. I tried to tell her that it didn't matter what she wore, the weather would feel great no matter what, but she didn't believe me. Eventually she found a suitable jacket and we left for the subway.

My friend's boyfriend left but her roommate and his boyfriend came along to the concert with us. It was good to have sober people around to guide us there, although we felt like an inconvenience because they wanted to do molly and have an intimate experience together but had to watch over us so we didn't get lost or do anything too crazy.

My friend kept narrating everything as we walked to the subway and we were worried about not being able to act normal on the train. When the subway came we sat in the corner because I thought it was more secluded. During the ride we had really deep discussions about humanity and talked about how everything is socially constructed and we all are just looking for excuses to be crazy. It didn't matter that we were going to see M83, it was just an excuse to dance and lose ourselves. We also looked at each other and ourselves a lot because we were beautiful. 'Look at your hands! By your hands I mean my hands,' I told her. My palms were so lovely and all my veins were so intricate.

When we got to the venue I got flustered by the man at the door who told me I needed to have my ID out and ready to go, so my friend helped me dig through the fanny pack I was wearing to find it. Going through security was kind of stressful because at that point we were pretty much peaking on the acid and they were patting people down, but we walked right through and once we were inside the venue everything was much better.

Shura, the opening act, was in the middle of her performance and we found a great place to stand. As she sang my favorite song—Touch—my friend asked me if I wanted to touch the walnut I'd given her earlier in the park. Of course I did. It was such an amazing moment and the lights and Shura and my friend all looked great, but I felt slightly agitated because the acid was starting to make me feel achey/somewhat upset in my stomach, and I also couldn't really dance like I wanted to because of all the people around me and because I was still in an introspective place mentally.

We took the molly after Shura ended, 100mg capsules each. It was probably about five hours into our acid trip, but it was hard to know since our perception of time was so distorted. For a while I just looked around at the crowd surrounding me and thought more introspective acid thoughts. There were a surprising amount of men who looked like dads. A guy and girl were flirting behind us and I kept thinking about how everything they said to each other sounded like it came out of a movie; it was so fake, and all they really wanted was to fuck each other but they had to do this little act before they could because that's what people do in polite society. We all play by these made up rules. Everyone seemed like an actor in his or her own movie of life.

We noticed a girl in the crowd a few people back who was standing alone and weeping. Both my friend and I got worked up about her and had a discussion with the boys about whether or not to go back and talk to/stand by her. We decided it might be best if we stayed where we were but we both wished that we could've made her feel better. Then again, maybe she just wanted to cry alone and not be bothered. Maybe she wasn't even sad.

When M83 came on I still didn't think I was feeling the molly but the lights were so amazing because of the acid visuals I didn't even care. I couldn't tell what was real and what was the the acid. The lights seemed to shine three stories high and were so spectacular. It took me until after M83 played their first song to really start dancing, but once I started it was more of a nonstop bounce than actual dancing. I couldn't keep to the beat very well; I just never stopped moving.

The moment I really knew I felt the molly was while I was dancing next to a woman and her beautiful long brown hair kept brushing against my forearm. It felt so good and I didn't even care that I was probably awkwardly close to her. At first I was pretty crowded in with everyone but eventually people gave me a little by more space to dance and I moved more freely, though I never danced as crazily as I wanted to because I thought that it might make other people uncomfortable. I wanted to flail my arms a lot more than I did.

The best part of the concert was when my friend and I looked back into the crowd and saw Crying Girl no longer weeping but laughing. She looked radiant. Her makeup was beautiful, and I was so happy she was happy that I screamed.

During the show I kept laughing and saying, 'Ahhhh!' And making other sounds but luckily the music was so loud I don't think anyone could hear me. The visuals were insane and my body felt amazing all over. All the aches and pains I was feeling because of the acid went away and I felt so so happy. My body was really hot and didn't drink any water during the show (which I should've done in retrospect) but I was too captivated to think of anything else. I kept touching my body, mostly my clavicles and neck. My friend kept an eye on me and kept reminding me to relax my body and stop clenching my jaw so tightly because I was all scrunched up and was rolling like crazy since it was my first time on molly.

It felt like the show lasted for hours but at the same time it seemed to have ended so quickly. I completely lost my perception of time passing. When it was all over I just stared, eyes wide and mouth open. Everyone and everything was perfect. We shuffled out to the street and the night was beautiful. My friend's housemate and his boyfriend led the way and held hands and my friend and I held hands and followed. It felt so intimate and sweet and perfect in every way, like I we were in a warm little bubble. Everything was beautiful, even more beautiful than before.

My friend and I cuddled on a bench for a while outside a bar then walked to see the water. I had no idea where we were in the city, but it felt so good to be lost and led by people I trusted and felt so close to. After a few minutes we all took an uber back to Brooklyn and in the uber my friend and I just softly touched each other's fingers and told each other how beautiful we were and how much our friendship means to us and how we need to do a better job of keeping in touch. I told her this quote that I read that said 'Everyone thinks their best friend is the best best friend and everyone is right.'

When we got back to the apartment we were still rolling and the visuals were still crazy. I tried I watch Broad City but couldn't pay attention or see past the acting so instead we laid together in her bed and smoked weed. Her cat came and cuddled with us and we called each other special kitties and talked about our lives and deepest thoughts and goals for the future. She showed me all her tattoos and told me what they meant, and I looked at one on her hand for a really long time; it was the most beautiful tattoo I'd ever seen. My friend had a profoundly moving experience at the show and felt that she had a much better idea about what she wanted to do with her art. The whole night was so inspiring.

The best thing about candy flipping was that there was never a moment when we crashed from the molly and felt bad. The end of the night was like an acid comedown with the added affection of molly.
The end of the night was like an acid comedown with the added affection of molly.
We talked until 5am and eventually fell asleep. I tried to take a shower before I fell asleep but I ended up just standing in the water for a few minutes because I couldn't find any soap.

The next day we were sore but before the trip we took 500mg of magnesium, 1000 mg of vitamin C and 250mg of vitamin B and I think it made a big difference. My jaw should have hurt more based on how much clenching I was doing the night before. Unfortunately my friend got appendicitis the day we came down and we had to go to the hospital. It was terrible because we both felt like shit already and hadn't eaten anything the entire day, then we had to go to the ER that night, but thankfully it was unrelated to the drugs and just happened to hit her at a bad time.

Overall, 10/10 experience. Acid is still my favorite drug overall, but the molly turned the night into such a beautiful dream. In retrospect, we should've drank even more water than we did and we should've made ourselves eat more. I might take the molly and acid slightly closer together next time—maybe take the molly three hours after the acid instead of five—but I loved being able to have a long time to trip before rolling. I wouldn't change anything about the night we had. I can't wait to do it again at a time when I can truly dance like I wanted to and completely let loose.

I still have the stick from the park and my friend still has the walnut.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109401
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Oct 16, 2024Views: 22
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LSD (2), MDMA (3) : Glowing Experiences (4), Relationships (44), Combinations (3), Public Space (Museum, Park, etc) (53)

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