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Anxiety Swept Away
Butalbital (Fioricet)
Citation:   chrisb. "Anxiety Swept Away: An Experience with Butalbital (Fioricet) (exp109448)". Mar 9, 2021.

50 mg oral Butalbital (pill / tablet)
  300 mg oral Butalbital (pill / tablet)
    oral Coffee (liquid)
I already knew in hindsight this day was going to be horrible, I go to a vocational school, and due to regulation, we have to take academic courses every week, I also had a test today, forgot to do my homework, and a I had to meet with the principal, I needed something to cheer me up, and these baby's always do a good job!

7:00 AM Pop 4 Fiorecets with a sip of coffee

7:20 AM On the Bus, not feeling anything, the caffeine is kicking in, I am a energy drink fiend, so it hardly effects me.

7:40 AM Almost to the school, very chill and relaxed, big smile is on my face even though I woke up with a raging headache, turn on some music and enjoy it greatly!

8:50 At school, I normally have really bad anxiety, this is vanished, I skip through the crowds without a thought or doubt in my mind.

9:40 Teachers being a bitch to me, who cares? Smile at her and countiune my work. Does their opinion really matter?

10:00 AM Very odd, I can not explain this. For some reason white dots are flashing in and out of my vision, barbituates are unable to have visual effects, right?

11:00 AM Lunch time, fuck yeah! Buy about 2 trays full of frys for my whole table, king of lunch! Siracha and Honey Mustard accompny them and my day is rocking!

12:40 PM Math class, working on inequalitys today, how does this work, I don't know, I don't really care.

1:40 PM Called down to the principals office, I got detention. I exit the office with a bright smile on my face, it's only 3 hours, who cares?

2:05 PM On my way to the bus to go home, somebody playing 'Party In The USA' which puts a great end to my school day, time to go home and maybe read and take a nap.

In conclusion, Fiorcets are very nice, they are like xanax with increased euphoria, I am lucky I have a short supply of these and not a prescription, or I fear I would get addicted to these very fast.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 109448
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 14
Published: Mar 9, 2021Views: 952
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Butalbital (576) : Glowing Experiences (4), Therapeutic Intent or Outcome (49), School (35)

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